Congo's delay in elections gives Fayulu new impetus


Of the 14 seats that were contested late, 10 went to supporters of Martin Fayulu (photo of March 2019), finalist in the controversial presidential election, and one to the winner Felix Tshisekedi. By NICOLAS MAETERLINCK (BELGA / AFP / File)

Of the 14 seats that were contested late, 10 went to supporters of Martin Fayulu (photo of March 2019), finalist in the controversial presidential election, and one to the winner Felix Tshisekedi. By NICOLAS MAETERLINCK (BELGA / AFP / File)

Legislative elections in eastern DRC that have been postponed due to an Ebola epidemic in the region have allowed Martin Fayulu, second in the controversial presidential vote, to win victories .

The parliamentary and presidential elections of December 30 have been postponed to Beni and Butembo, in the province of North Kivu, which is fighting against an epidemic of Ebola.

Of the 14 seats contested late, 10 went to Fayulu supporters, three to supporters of former president Joseph Kabila and one to his successor, Felix Tshisekedi, according to interim results announced Tuesday by the electoral commission.

Voting also took place for the single seat in Yumbi, in Mai-Ndombe province, in the center-west of the country, which had been postponed due to violent ethnic violence.

The winner was a pro-Kabila candidate.

The outcome of the 15 delayed elections will have no impact on the outcome of the presidential election, nor on the balance of power in the National Assembly, where the pro-Kabila bloc has an overwhelming majority.

Fayulu has repeatedly said that the result of the presidential election was a confusion between Tshisekedi and Kabila.

He was officially credited with 34.8% of the votes against 38.5% for Tshisekedi.

Fayulu claims to have collected about 60% of the vote.

On Wednesday, provincial bademblies will elect governors in 24 of the country's 26 provinces. The elections of governors of North Kivu and Mai-Ndombe will take place on May 30th.

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