Congress is bad at the Rocket League


On Wednesday, the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) organized a meeting Rocket League tournament in Congress, pitting members against each other during 2v2 matches.

ESA partnered with the Future Congress Forum Caucus to educate members on the e-sport and gaming communities. Many members took the game openly and faced off against the staff members. The two-hour event was broadcast on Twitch and brought the representatives together. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), Katie Hill (D-CA), Marc Veasey (D-TX) and Jimmy Gomez (D -CALIFORNIA).

The event included everything from professional commentary to post-match interviews and to the little trolls of the chat inviting lawmakers to learn how to use their dynamism. "Someone tells them the boost key you like," wrote one person in the chat.

"Next time we could do a first person shooter. It's more my thing, said Hill.

The only thing they left out was a winners ceremony. We do not really know who won, but it did not seem to affect any of the members. It was obvious that lawmakers were not pros to Rocket Leagueand an ESA representative said on the stream that they were looking for an easy game to take in hand, something that would not take them much time to master.

ESA is lobbying on behalf of the gaming industry and, in general, this event was aimed at strengthening the goodwill of the Congress. Although Congress is not imminently threatening to harm electronic sports, there is legislation aimed at selling miners' chests and other Internet-related regulations that could affect gaming companies. Events like these, which include alcohol and food, put lobbyists and members face to face to discuss a policy.

In post-match interviews, members expressed their support and interest in the gaming community, although some were a little out of place. "We have GameStops throughout the district," Veasey said. "I would say that GameStop is actually extremely popular in the different neighborhoods represented in my district and that games are a big deal."

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