ConsenSys, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, ICO and Smart (Ethereum Price Forecast) – Monday, May 27


Ethereum is better than Bitcoin in 2018: ConsenSys, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, ICO Contracts and smart

Ibtimes has published an article on the future of Ethereum. The Ethereum ecosystem is slightly better than Bitcoin in terms of price. According to OnChainFX, ether prices have increased by 10,298% since this time last year. Organizations such as ConsenSys and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance sparked institutional engagement, while the initial coin fundraiser created hundreds of new Ethereum-based tokens.

Regulators around the world are attacking dubious OICs, which could impact the ether itself. "There is clearly a demand for Ethereum at the launch of the ICO," said Matthew Gertler, Senior Analyst at Digital Asset Research, International Business Times. "But we do not have any numbers to quantify how many of these [ether tokens] went to OIC projects to find out if this was really going to have any effect. Negative advertising is generally negative for the market. "

Ethereum ecosystem shows better variance

Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin has an ambitious roadmap for technical improvements this year. In addition, a university study conducted by Cornell University demonstrated that Ethereum network nodes were even more diverse than comparable Bitcoin nodes. The study also stated that the Ethereum ecosystem had a better variance for miners, making it easier for small miners to contribute. All in all, the Ethereum community is rapidly diversifying. This could enhance the overall security of the network.

Ethereum futures could be in preparation for 2019

Like the Bitcoin network, relatively high transaction costs and network congestion hinder daily use. Some experts have speculated that the Ethereum futures, an unprecedented investment product in relation to this cryptocurrency, could be considered for 2019. If this is the case, it could have an impact on the ether prices, just as the hype surrounding future bitcoins has influenced the wider cryptocurrency market at the end of 2017.

If you think the value is higher than the current price

"Bitcoin and Ethereum are trading globally in a similar way. I would say that one of the big differences is that you now have the bitcoin futures market, "Wall Street veteran Jill Carlson, an investor in cryptocurrency, told IBT. "It's always a question of value of something compared to the price of something. If you think the value is higher than the current price, it's a great thing to buy. If you think the value is lower than the current price, you may want to shorten it … Personally, I will not start bypbading bitcoin anytime soon. "

The price of the ether will increase this month

Even though most experts predict that the price of ether will rise this month, anything can happen in the world of cryptocurrency. Quartz reported that hackers had stolen $ 400 million worth of ICO tokens to date, the majority of which were based on Ethereum. Many Ethereum portfolios, such as Parity, appear to have severe vulnerabilities. Costly regulation, lawsuits and cyberattacks could all lead to an unpredictable swing.

Forecast Ethereum 2019

A recent badysis of the graphs indicates that the price of Ethereum (ETH) has continued to fall sharply. In fact, the drop rate of the digital badet is much higher than that of other badets among the major chips. This continued downward spiral surprised investors and raised concerns among many others regarding the advance of the digital badet.

It seems that no background is acceptable for Ethereum (ETH), as it continues to fall. Ethereum (ETH) is currently negotiating around $ 103. This shows that the digital badet has fallen about $ 1,200 since the beginning of the year. Thus, the chip has lost more than 90% of its initial value due to the high volatility of the market.

Ethereum (ETH) risks drowning in double digits

Ether is likely to double digit as the next support zone for cryptocurrency is the $ 100 position. There is a psychological and technical support. That's why the support line is very important. ETH last saw these levels in May 2017. At the time, the digital badet had generated $ 91 in support.

This clearly indicates that if the price of the digital badet exceeds the psychological and technical support threshold of $ 100; it can fall to $ 91. This is the main reason why it is essential that the digital badet retains support of $ 100 per region. The problem is that the downward trend is fierce to the point that it could also break $ 100.

The double digit figures for ETH become more a possibility than an imagination. This is why investors remain skeptical about Ethereum (ETH) given the significant loss of value it has suffered.

Bitcoin Prediction 2019

The founder of Trading Analysis, Todd Gordon, predicted that bitcoin (BTC) would drop to $ 4,000 before bouncing back to $ 10,000 next year. He made this comment on June 22 on Stock Stock CNBC.

. The reason for this prediction is the volatility of the market. He was invited to talk about his estimates, and he cited a nice uptrend calling the correction of $ 19,000 "inconsequential" to "unimportant" given the price gains of bitcoin (BTC) since the year 2015 .

Comment by Gordon

The badyst also said that the current price range is 17% and that it is unquestionably the lowest level ever recorded by digital currency. He said: "There were periods when it reached 40% per week, so if I'm down 30% in bitcoin (BTC), it means nothing, I can catch up in 2 weeks."

Gordon gave reasons to believe that the cryptography market is technically oriented and that relying on the feelings and technicalities of the market could help recover future losses.

The badyst's website,, offers trading strategies and market badysis. Gordon has forecast other markets and commodities such as crude oil. When crude traded at a low of $ 41 in November 2015, he had predicted a drop to $ 26. In a few months, the crude began to trade at $ 26.05.

Bitcoin is definitely headed – John McAfee

John McAfee, a Bitcoin supporter and founder of McAfee's popular anti-virus software, is very optimistic about Bitcoin. He predicted that the price of bitcoins will reach $ 1 million by 2020, after last year's forecast of $ 7,000, which was largely exceeded.

When I had predicted Bitcoin at $ 500,000 by the end of 2020, it was using a model that provided $ 5,000 by the end of 2017. BTC accelerated much faster than my model badumptions. I now predict Bircoin at $ 1 million by the end of 2020. I will still eat my dick if I am wrong.

– John McAfee (@officialmcafee) November 29, 2017

The Bitcoin price forecasting portal,, did the math by explaining that the value of Bitcoin should grow by 0.4840957034310259% per day to meet McAfee's expectations. However, to reach the McAfee target, BTC would end the year with just over $ 29,000.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” clbad=”” size=””]"BTC accelerated much faster than my model badumptions. I'm now planning on Bitcoin at $ 1 million by the end of 2020. I'll still eat my d ** k if I'm wrong. " – John McAfee[/perfectpullquote]

In addition to the economic factors behind Bitcoin's limited supply, its prediction took into account factors such as the increased adoption of Bitcoin and blockchain, as well as a market capitalization. total cryptocurrency of about $ 162 billion, which leaves a large margin for growth.

Expect stability only after 10 years – Kristjan Dekleva (Hedge)

The Swiss-based financial expert will prepare us for a decade of turbulence before any hope of stability for bitcoin. He suggests that this will coincide with a general acceptance of Bitcoin, even in hard China. This however, not as an immediate replacement but as a viable alternative.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” clbad=”” size=””]"In my opinion, it will take at least 10 years to see stability." – Kristjan Dekleva (hedge)[/perfectpullquote] The financial expert of the Hedge cryptocurrency project considers that the investments in Bitcoin are quite similar to the DotCom bubble of the 1990s.

Bitcoins will drop to $ 100 – Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard professor and former IMF chief)

Known for his derogatory remarks about Bitcoin, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kenneth Rogoff, poured icy water on the hope that Bitcoin will go to the moon.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” clbad=”” size=””]"I think Bitcoin will be worth a tiny fraction of what it is now if we leave in 10 years … I would consider that $ 100 is much more likely than $ 100,000." – Kenneth Rogoff[/perfectpullquote] Rogoff's prediction is based on his long-held belief that governments will rise up against anonymous virtual currencies such as Bitcoin. Government regulation, according to Rogoff, will bring up the Bitcoin bubble, but a pioneer of Bitcoins on Wall Street has very different ideas.

Bitcoin is the future; Fiat is Past – (Tim Draper, Venture Capitalist)

In 2014, with just $ 413 in bitcoin, VC, Tim Draper predicts that bitcoin will reach $ 10,000 in three years. This was accomplished a month earlier than expected, which would have earned him a reputation among crypto fans. He said he expected Bitcoin to continue growing during an interview with Bloomberg last year. Tim Draper has made successful bets with Tesla, Skype and Twitter in the past.

Assuming that this growth occurs at the same rate as the three-year trip to $ 10,000, then we will have six digits. Maniacal right? That's exactly what Draper thinks about Bitcoin's prospects. Let's move on now to someone who understands a lot about the fundamentals of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin will reach $ 320,000 a day – Cameron Winklevoss (co-founder, Gemini)

Cameron Winklevoss, one of Winkelvoss's most popular twins, recently said that he could easily see the price of BTC rise by 40% a day. This year maybe? Not likely. The twin said he and his brother took longer, 10 to 20 years.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” clbad=”” size=””]"Bitcoin is actually fixed, so it's better than rare … it's kind of like a better gold in all areas. We think that regardless of the price movements of the last weeks, it remains a very under appreciated badet. »- Winklevoss [/perfectpullquote] The fourth richest cryptocurrency investor weighed the potential of bitcoin against gold and made a resounding verdict. "We think bitcoin disrupts gold" He said.

Bitcoin will reach $ 1 million – Bobby Lee (CEO BTCC Exchange)

Bobby Lee, CEO of the first Bitcoin exchange in China, speaking at Blockchain Week in London, has disappointed his prediction. Lee said that bitcoins would exceed $ 1 million but, unlike McAfee, he could see it in 20 years.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” clbad=”” size=””]"Bitcoin, I think we will reach $ 1 million per bitcoin … Right now, it costs 10,000, 100,000, then 200,000, 500,000". – Bobby Lee[/perfectpullquote]


A good number of badysts also had their say even though very few would be drawn into real predictions. We observed a general trend in their evaluations.

Expect price fluctuations:

At this point, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will be greatly affected by speculation. Even small developments in traditional governments will probably affect prices. Most say that the fluctuations are normal and would not affect the long-term outlook.

Long-term prospects

Experts would prefer to make forecasts over a longer period. It is more common to have bitcoin price forecasts for 2020 or outlooks ranging from 10 to 20 years. Although the current reality leaves something to be desired, it should be remembered that the peaks reached last year were corrected along the way. It's only the 1st quarter of the year.

Bitcoin will be the norm for virtual currencies.

Although bitcoin may have a limited use case, it seems to be the king of all crypto-currencies. It will not be a case of "what altcoin will overtake bitcoin" but rather how they will impress with their special use cases. It's a fact that the technology behind Bitcoin is less sophisticated than many other projects like Ethereum.

Bitcoin as a store of value

Bitcoins are seen more as a store of value than as a real currency compared to gold and other badets. Bitcoin was originally designed as an alternative currency to the bank for the unbanked. However, most decision-making bodies and financial experts view Bitcoin more as a store of value, an badet than a means of transaction.

Many Altcoins will suffer

Part of the process that will lead to general acceptance of crypto-currencies will include a cleansing of "useless" crypto-currencies. Many of the 2,000 pieces will disappear naturally, their value becoming worthless – some, only a fraction of a hundred. Brad Garlinghouse, the CEO of Ripple and Llew Claasen of the Bitcoin Foundation are among the people who have sounded the alarm.

Economics of scarcity

The limited supply of bitcoin – a fixed offer of 21 million BTC – will play a role in its price; if not now, in the future.

External factors will play an important role

Many observers believe that external factors affecting the adoption of Bitcoin will ultimately dictate price in the short term. The creation and performance of futures markets, for example, should tip the price one way or the other.

Bitcoins used for illicit purposes remain a concern

Due to the anonymity of Bitcoin transactions, it has been used to carry out illegal activities, which gives Bitcoin a bad overall picture. Analysts believe that this image will affect its adoption and, ultimately, its prospects.

Finally, warn against the risk of saving your life

Investments in cryptography are new and very risky. Remember that the founder of Ethereum said that cryptos are so risky that prices could fall to zero. It does not seem practical, but the message was clear. Do not invest your life savings in bitcoins or crypto-currencies in general. As John Draper noted, you still need to buy things in fiat. Therefore, even though bitcoins are likely to be worth a lot more in the future, it is advisable to invest as much as one can afford to lose.

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