Conspiracy theories spread after the filming of Nipsey Hussle


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Among the tributes, the shock and the sadness, conspiracy theories circulated online following the shooting of the American rapper Nipsey Hussle.

The 33-year-old was shot in front of his clothing store in Los Angeles on Sunday.

Police say Eric Holder, 29, is wanted for his death.

But as often after high-profile crimes, social media users responded to his death by alleging a vast and complex plot.

Theories revolve around a self-proclaimed Honduran healer in 2016, Alfredo Bowman, better known as Dr. Sebi.

What are the conspiracy theories?

Screenshot of the video of the YouTube Nipsey Hussle conspiracy

Copyright of the image: YOUTUBE

Image captionYouTube videos describing conspiracy theory have accumulated millions of views

Videos are circulating on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook in which the death of Nipsey Hussle is imputed, without any proof, to one or more representatives of the government, pharmaceutical companies or the Illuminati – a group of nebulous elites that the theorists of the plot claim to control secretly.

The search results for "Nipsey Hussle" on YouTube include many of these videos, some of which have accumulated hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of views. YouTube has been approached for a comment.

The adherents claim – without foundation – that the rapper was murdered because he was working on a documentary about Dr. Sebi. On Twitter, speculation has propelled the name of the herbalist among the major trends, some having indicated that the former TLC musician, Lisa's 'Left Eye' Lopes, was visiting Dr. Sebi in Honduras before his death in a car accident in 2002.

The conspiracy theories were also fueled by the rapper's last cryptic tweet, sent on the day of his badbadination.

"Having powerful enemies is a blessing," he said.

Who was Dr. Sebi?

Lisa Lopes' left eye & # 39;

Image Copyright GETTY IMAGES

Legend of the imageLisa 'Left Eye & # 39; Lopes died in a car accident in Honduras in 2002 after visiting Dr. Sebi

Alfredo Bowman was a self-proclaimed herbalist and healer whose client list included a number of celebrities.

Lisa & # 39; Left Eye & # 39; Lopes, John Travolta and Michael Jackson would all have been customers.

Bowman claimed to have developed a miraculous herbal remedy for a host of "pathologies" including "arthritis, asthma, cancer, AIDS, diabetes" and placed commercials for this purpose.

He never studied medicine and did not have a medical license.

In 1987, Bowman reached an agreement with the Attorney General's Office in New York that prevented his USHA research institute from making therapeutic claims.

Testifying at a 1993 congressional hearing, New York Deputy Attorney General Shirley Stark described Bowman's claims as "a particularly striking example of unsubstantiated therapeutic claims".

"These claims were false," she added. "Our office has taken legal action against USHA and has entered into a consent agreement under which USHA can no longer make therapeutic claims for any of its products."

Subsequently charged with unauthorized practice of medicine, Bowman was found not guilty when a jury determined that it had not been proven that he had established medical diagnoses or medical diagnoses. prescribes drug substances.

Bowman died of pneumonia in 2016, at the age of 82. He was in custody in Honduras after being arrested for money laundering.

What does this have to do with Nipsey Hussle?

Nipsey Hussle

Copyright of the image: GETTY IMAGES

Nipsey Hussle seems to have believed the badertions of the herbalist.

Hussle's song, Blue Laces 2, from the 2018 Victory Lap album, contains lyrics that refer to Bowman's death.

"They killed Dr. Sebi, he was teaching health," said the rapper.

He was doing a documentary about Bowman's lawsuit in the 1980s.

After the announcement of his death, actor Nick Cannon said that he would finish the documentary Bowman.

"We can not all kill ourselves," he posted on Instagram, along with several videos – viewed millions of times – featuring the Honduran herbalist.

What really happened to Nipsey Hussle?

Nipsey Hussle was shot dead Sunday in front of her clothing store in Los Angeles.

Two other people were injured.

The police are looking for a 29-year-old man, Eric Holder, in connection with the murder.

See the image on TwitterSee the image on Twitter

According to TMZ, surveillance footage shows a man dressed in a dark shirt that shoots at least three times before fleeing.

The Los Angeles Police Department appealed to anyone with additional information.

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