Consumption of nuts, legumes and broccoli may reduce the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women


SYDNEY: Ladies, please take note. The researchers found that eating a high fiber diet could reduce the risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy.

"The simple recommendation of" eating real food, mostly plants and not too much "could be the most effective primary prevention strategy for some of the most serious conditions of our time.

"The intestinal bacteria and the mother's diet seem to play a crucial role in promoting a healthy pregnancy," said lead author Ralph Nanan, professor at University of Sydney.

The study, published in the journal Nature Communications, showed that the outcome of pregnancy and infant immunity are related to intestinal bacteria.

The herbal bacteria are broken down in the intestine by bacteria into factors that influence the immune system. The research team studied the role of these metabolic products of intestinal bacteria during pregnancy.

The researchers found that in humans, reducing levels of acetate, mainly produced by the fermentation of fiber in the intestine, is badociated with preeclampsia, a common and serious pregnancy-related illness. .

Good nutrition, a conscious diet: the key to a healthier and happier life

Health is the key to happiness

October 13, 2018

By IANS For Rueben Ghosh, co-founder and culinary director at Yumlane, and Kashmiri Barkakati, catering expert at Momspresso, Rueben Ghosh is co-founder and culinary director at Yumlane and Kashmiri Barkakati. Here's how to do it correctly.

Preeclampsia affects up to 10% of pregnant women and is characterized by high blood pressure, protein in the urine and significant swelling of the mother's body.

It also interferes with the immune development of the child in the uterus, and some data suggest a link with higher rates of allergies and autoimmune diseases later in life.

The study found that preeclampsia affected the development of an important immune organ of the fetus – the thymus – located just behind the sternum.

The fetuses of preeclamptic pregnancies had a thymus much smaller than the children of healthy pregnancies.

The cells normally generated by the thymus – called "T" cells, and more particularly those badociated with the prevention of allergies and autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, also remained lower in infants after preeclampsia, even four years after childbirth.

The mechanisms of acetate on the developing fetal immune system were then examined in separate experiments involving mice, which showed that acetate was essential for the development of thymus and fetal "T" cells.

The results showed that promoting specific metabolic products of intestinal bacteria during pregnancy could be an effective way to maintain a healthy pregnancy and to prevent allergies and autoimmune diseases later in life.

Quiet nerves, a healthy heart: Ladies, here is the health guide not to lend

Me before you

March 6, 2018

A disinterested mother, an affectionate daughter, a devoted woman, or a superior chief; No matter what role a woman plays in everyday life, she does it with pbadion. From managing the house to managing the show at work to spending quality time with family and friends, women can do it all.

But in all this turmoil, they often forget themselves. Making yourself a priority is not a priority, and health is taken for granted.

However, it is extremely important to take care of yourself and to start taking care of your health.

Dolly Kumar, founder and director of Gaia, gives 5 tips for women to stay healthy.

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