Corrie Spoilers: first black family cast for a history of homophobia in football


(Photo: ITV)

Coronation Street has announced its first black family to debut in June, led by medical legend Lorna Laidlaw, who recently left her role as receptionist, Ms. Tembe. The Bailey Clan will also include a brand new LGBTQ + character who will be involved in a story about footballers' homophobia.

As it stands, James (Nathan Graham) did not visit his family – his mother Agatha, the father builder Edison (Trevor Michael Georges) who buys the yard and his brother Michael (Ryan Russell).

The Bailey family moved quickly to Weatherfield and, although she was initially able to rub a few people, she quickly became the community's favorite.

Presentation Manager Iain MacLeod told us, "I'm really excited to introduce this new family. The public will love them! They are funny, warm and will unite through the intrigues we have reserved for them.

Why Corrie took so long to present a complete black family: "I do not know to a certain extent that it was before my time, I would not presume to talk about the motivations of others. In the past, new families came one at a time and I find it more difficult. This is why they all present themselves as a dynamic. Short answer, I do not really know. Manchester has a high proportion of black residents, we felt a bit too late and represented the modern Manchester with a little more precision. I do not know why it has taken until now.

"The Northwest and Britain as a whole are a great melting pot of people of different origins and ethnicities. The more representative we are of Corrie, Manchester and Great Britain, the better, so it was obvious.

"But as with everything happening in Coronation Street, it was the characters who came first and they were immediately friendly, I could imagine them all in my head from the moment the author had described them. He was a character, but it was a good time to introduce this family. "

Living in number 3, the former home of Emily Biship and Norris Cole, the clan will first clash with their neighbors, the Barlows. But will then become firm friends.

Iain smiles: "What we learn early enough is that Aggie does not step back from a fight. In a rather British and polite way, they rub a bit of the neighbors when they arrive, then Aggie takes offense at what one of his neighbors says and it becomes a bit of a merciless war.

"These are the number one residents. Basically, on one side of the wall, you have Aggie, noisily playing chopsticks, while Michael uses an electric saw, and on the other, Claudia explodes the Valkyries war while Amy screams through a violin.

"It becomes a war against noise, essentially. At this point in the process, Edison and Ken return home and open their doors. The two men close the doors and say: are we going to the pub and let them go?

Aggie will be the friend of Eileen and Liz while Michael is about to go out with the Streetcars gang – Steve, Tim and Peter. For his part, James quickly establishes a close relationship with Bethany Platt – who will have the wrong impression when she begins to develop feelings for him.

Iain confirmed that his return to Norris was scheduled full-time and, although the show is in constant discussion with Eileen Derbyshire, there is currently no concrete plan for Emily's return.

Meet the Bailey!


(Photo: ITV)

Lorna said: "He is a rather lively character, absolutely the head of the family. She has the strongest voice – she is an absolute driving force and is very proud of her children and in love with her husband. And the love between them is so important to show and the dedication to his sons too. & # 39;


(Photo: ITV)

Trevor said, "He's a builder, a construction worker – a very determined man who likes to get what he wants. Like everyone on the street, he has his own nuance of crazy. He becomes a little psychedelic with time! "


(Photo: ITV)

Ryan said, "I am the eldest son. My character is a bit of a dreamer, a self-proclaimed entrepreneur – he has his fingers in some pies to try a better life for himself and his family. He has a big heart – he wants to prove himself to his family. It will be fun to bring that energy. He is quite cheeky and childish in his manners but with that big heart.


(Photo: ITV)

Nathan said, "I am the youngest member of the family, part of the Weatherfield County Junior Football Team. He is very determined and determined to fulfill his dreams of football. He is the apple of his father's eyes – his father almost lives his life through him. It is the child of gold. He sometimes needs to cuddle his shell – he is shy, but in some situations he may be different. "


Iain teased: "They also have a sister – she's halfway between James and Michael, we do not meet her yet – her name is Diana or Dee Dee – Aggie is not a mbadive royalist, but by God, This woman had a good taste for clothes, her birth will have almost coincided with the death of Princess Diana, so she was nicknamed DIane or Dee Dee or Princess by the brothers because she is the female equivalent of a golden ball.

Aggie will answer the phone and say that she will not be able to go to Easter because she is holding a conference in Chicago. She's somewhere over there. We have not screened it yet – it will be an off-screen presence a bit like Brenda from Streetcars – and will be a source of comic friction around the table and it will be like "awww WhatsApp, your sister just got it!" send a message, photo of his new convertible. "So, I hope we'll get an idea of ​​the kind of character she's before arriving.

Coronation Street

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