Corruption of the former Codesa predecessor – Never in the presidency of Jacob Zuma


Corruption of the former Codesa predecessor - Never in the presidency of Jacob Zuma

To detect flagrant corruption in the African National Congress (ANC), it is necessary to go back decades before CODESA, when they sold the people in writing and officially. For example, in exile, many of the ANC top executives were engaged in bribing donated funds to fund ANC activities, including Umkhotho weSizwe (MK), and they were blameless. Joe Modise, who was at the helm of MK, was known for his sophisticated car driving and his use of 5 – star hotels to such an extent that even Kenneth Kaunda complained of the possibility that he would not be able to do so. he can drive more sophisticated cars than the ministers in Zambia. Ask Kenneth Kaunda, he is still alive.

In Quattro, Angola, for example, more than 30,000 people belonging to MK were executed by MK himself. Most of them raised issues against MK's high command, which was plundering funds while camp residents lacked the most basic supplies. Torture was also a daily thing and many spoke about it, and at one point the war broke out against two camps where many soldiers were lost and Chris Hani had to intervene and intervene (after Chris Hani was almost executed himself previously by a Joe Modise award). The money that was supposed to fund an armed struggle was being misused by senior ANC leaders who lived apartheid in South Africa, while blacks Ordinary for which they claimed to have been fighting had been delivered to police bullets with stones and steel bin lids the cantons. They had taken the initiative to take apartheid in front because there would be no rescue. Ever wonder how did the Soweto uprising unfold?

But these are things you have never heard of. The ANC has repressed them in dungeons of forgotten history, as another appalling problem of abuse and standardized rapes perpetrated against women in MK camps, a no-go zone …

Joe Modise went further to sell MK's weapons without consulting the official channels. An official investigation by Chris Hani, who was now MK's chief of staff, led to the Modise Gate. Unfortunately, Chris Hani died two weeks before the scheduled hearing for Joe Modise, who allegedly sold MK's weapons. Joe Modise became the prime minister of defense in 1994 and would be the one who will lead SANDF training that will retain high military positions for all those SADF white soldiers, while blacks would be told they were missing d & # 39; experience.

We could go back to previous decades and how the leaders of the ANC from the late 1940s were blatantly in the pockets of Communist Party Jews who funded most of the activities. As Arthur Goldreich and Harold Wolpe were the ones who bought the Liliesleaf Farm, this will be MK's first headquarters. It's Joe Slovo who was the first MK leader for example. Lionel Bernstein wrote the Freedom Charter. The Jews were the legal advocates in the affairs of the ANC leaders, such as Arthur Chaskalson and Joel Joffe, two of the three defense lawyers involved in the Rivonia and Jewish trial. Arthur Chaskalson later became the first Chief Justice after 1994. Even Rivonia Trial Attorney Percy Yutar was Jewish. He admitted in 1988 to have changed the charge of treason in sabotage so that the death penalty is no longer at stake. You want to know where the Jews of the Communist Party received money? No one but the Oppenheimers and co. That is why CODESA was originally hosted in an Oppenheimer golf course. Oh, and the Oppenheimers are of Jewish origin, and were funded in power by Nathan Rothschild, who financed the conquest of Cecil John Rhodes in Africa and the formation of De Beers, now an integral part of the Oppenheimers. Anglo American.

Two weeks before his release from prison, Nelson Mandela said: "The nationalization of mines, banks and monopoly industries is the policy of the ANC, and changing or changing our views in this regard is inconceivable. . The economic empowerment of blacks is a goal we fully support and encourage, but in our situation, state control of certain sectors of the economy is inevitable. These words were simply rhetoric, the memorandum that had been orchestrated since the day the Jews wrote the Charter of Freedom. In 1955 it was decided that the sale would definitely take place and he completely changed pace and denied everything he had said later. In his first post-election interview as president, Mandela said, "In our economic policies. . . there is not a single reference to things like nationalization, and this is not accidental. . . "

After the 1994 elections in which Mandela was elected president, the ANC submitted its economic program to Oppenheimer "for approval". It was the Jews who were entrusted with strategic positions of state capture in Mandela's cabinet, the Ministry of Finance entrusted to Gill Marcus in 1994. as a deputy minister, whose main task was to privatize the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) – effectively handing the country's monetary policy to white private hands. Here are the main features of SARB's functions:

  • Formulation and implementation of monetary policy;
  • Issue of banknotes and coins;
  • Supervise the banking system
  • Ensure the efficient operation of the National Payment System (NPS);
  • Management of official reserves of gold and currency;
  • Act as a banker to the government;
  • Administer the latest foreign exchange controls of the country; and
  • Act as a lender of last resort in exceptional circumstances.

All these tasks, which are of paramount importance at the national level and constitute the cornerstone of a country's economy, have been privatized under the control of the ANC and are owned by a cartel of foreign bankers. The Reserve Bank is undoubtedly the most powerful institution in the country, as Baron Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty, put it so well: "Give me control of the money supply. of a nation not who makes their laws. The one who controls the means of production in a country – de facto the money supply – is the one with the real power; and as such, the ANC has sold its power to capitalists because it is in the economy that power rests. The ANC ceded control of the Reserve Bank to white monopoly capital.

His fate was explained by Vishnu Padaychee; who was commissioned to write a paper for CODESA's negotiating team on the pros and cons of an autonomous central bank run in complete autonomy from the elected government. He and his team drafted and submitted the document with a clear policy of not allowing the Reserve Bank to be autonomous. The negotiating team told it later that it had yielded to the demands of white monopoly capital, backed by IMF loan guarantees, to privatize the Reserve Bank.

In 1999, Gill Marcus immediately went to the Privatized Reserve Bank as Deputy Governor and became Governor in 2009. Between 1997 and 2004, the South African Government sold no less than eighteen l & # 39; State. about $ 4 billion in total (about 58 billion rand today); and you've never heard of it once. Nobody made any noise about this because it was about the implementation of the CODESA agreements. This was part of the agreement signed on December 1, 1993 with the IMF to privatize state-owned enterprises in order to obtain a loan of $ 850 million. I'll talk more about it when I get to Pravin Gordhan.


Sipho Pityana himself served as Director General of the Labor Department from 1995 to 1999 (then headed by Tito Mboweni) under Mandela's presidency, and then served as Director General of the Department of Foreign Affairs from 1999 to 2002. During Thabo Mbeki's first term as president. He then left to join the group "companies", the newly found term to designate a cadre who was equated with BEE positions by white capital as a spin-off of CODESA. Now, I think we know that BEE is a concept invented by white monopoly capital. The term Black Economic Empowerment was used for the first time by a Sanlam subsidiary in 1997. We are familiar with the beneficiaries of Sanlam BEE?

Whatever it is, still on Sipho Pityana, he became in 2002 Executive Director of Nedcor Investment Bank and Managing Director of Nedbank. These are subsidiaries of Old Mutual Holdings, which is now a UK insurance giant and listed on the London Stock Exchange. It is one of many South African-based companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, but as part of CODESA's settlement to protect the ill-gotten wealth of white monopoly capital, it has been listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. double in London and other Western markets. There is a long list.

Sipho then sat on the boards of many of these companies (all on the JSE list), including AngloGold Ashanti, which he has been sitting since February 2007.

Now, apart from AngloGold, which is a spin-off from Anglo American's decentralization, I'm particularly interested because I come from a region where AngloGold Ashanti draws a huge percentage of its gold, it's Orkney in the Northern Province -Where is. Yamkela Spengane, says Yamkela Spengane, I do not have an account, but an eyewitness to the brutality of his capitalism towards my people. The statistics on the victims of their mining accidents and the victims of silicosis who have been sacked by the mines to die of misery after years of service are not statistics to me; they were family members, relatives, friends, fathers of friends and people from my community whom we buried. I can put faces on statistics. Yet, Kanana Township has the highest crime rate in the entire North West Province, one of the worst cases of gangster violence in the entire country and generally a place of misery; but no less than 11 gold mining wells are within 25 km of the township, most within walking distance of the township and all of this was originally held by AngloGold Ashanti prior to lay-off. Nothing, however, indicates that people live on gold deposits, no infrastructure, nothing. There is really nothing to show, not even a designated community fund, other than a buyer of politicians in municipal councils. Not that it's something we want, we want to own these mines.

So to hear this Pityana saying "Zemk'iinkomo magwala ndini" pissed me off, because the metaphor he used did not have the right to approach. He is a director of an AngloGold Ashanti cartel that steals gold every year from my people, holding billions of dollars. It owns land that is almost half of the total area of ​​the district municipality of Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, while my people are landless and can not even move. He then wants to point Zuma? Get out of here.

What Sipho Pityana said is really nothing at all and Makhenkesi Stofile has no legitimacy apart from being a member of a deceitful NCA and having been his prime minister and his minister in the government , then his ambbadador to Germany (doubtful process when appointing this ambbadador). the girls of Winnie and Nelson Mandela were named ambbadadors). People must not lie about the dead …

Sipho Pityana can not speak of the fact that the movement and capture of the state would be a recent event, while he himself was long captured by white monopoly capital and the whole movement. He must account for the gold that he actively signs in England and America before ceasing to be a spokesman for the White Capital.


Sipho Pityana is part of a faction that has beneficiaries of CODESA, who still hold management positions in these mining companies, banks, and other white-owned monopoly entities – mostly people who still have kidnappers in their hands. State of origin. So when someone talks against Zuma from the ANC, first check his resume to find out where he falls before trusting their sincerity. Trevor Manuel is on the Rothschild payroll and his wife, Maria Ramos, at the helm of Barclays Africa, never takes him seriously. In addition, he was finance minister and did the neoliberal work so well that he was sued by the head of the World Bank. You think that he was helping our advantage? Stop playing games. Tito Mboweni, Ben Turok, Ronnie Kasrils, Pravin Gordhan, most of them; they are part of the faction of white monopoly capital that conquered the state in CODESA.

The other faction, led by Jacob Zuma, is the BRICS faction. Now, the BRICS are breaking with white monopoly capital (your South African and Western white societies) and your relations with the Chinese, Indians and Russians. Zuma began to make a turn from the West when he arrived at the presidency. All those who had been sidelined and looted – supported by white monopoly capital before the Polokwane Election Conference in 2007 – came to the party for a dinner served by the upcoming Chinese capital and the normal corruption of the state, of course, as they were to be new employees replacing the old guard lost at the Polokwane conference.

Cyril Ramaphosa, although one of the largest beneficiaries of the BEE from white monopoly capital, joins forces with this faction because of his longstanding dissatisfaction with Thabo Mbeki; their story is fairly public, starting with the post-1991 Durban ANC Elective Conference on Choices as to who would replace Mandela as President of his government after the 1994 elections and succeed him. He is the glorious son of the white capital, so his loyalty to this faction is highly debatable. This is the man who made the capital a billionaire by scamming a man called Sam Molope – arguably the most successful black affair of South Africa during apartheid, and an autonomous multi-millionaire – in a process very detrimental and barbaric that lasted from 1994 to 2001. US Agency for Trade and Development, Rebhold, Nedcor, Mercerile Bank and others, leaving Sam Molope penniless in the end. Ramaphosa is probably organizing to recover power in this camp and bring him back to the white monopoly capital on a silver platter.

It is not that Zuma is corrupt, he is criticized by the white media, but with whom he practices corruption. Corruption within the ANC government has always existed and, in fact, in far greater proportions than before Zuma, the problem did not exist before because the main beneficiaries were entities monopolistic white capitalists. Nobody made any noise when Anglo American and other white companies monopolized the supply of ESKOM coal, or when the ANC took advantage of calls d & # 39; offers. It was a problem when the Guptas did it and when ANC benefited from other sources. Now, Popo Molefe wants to make the thing a new thing: ANC has received bribes from the tenders issued by the SOEs when it shouted about the PRASA locomotive saga for a amount of R80 million, while programs and campaigns of the ANC were funded in this way for a long time. The gun case is an example and concerns the ANC's elite.

Popo Molefe himself served as premier of the North West Province from 1994 to 2004; Having forgotten his days as BPC, SASM and AZAPO, he was part of the Mapogo Faction in the North West, which was going bankrupt with municipalities all over the province and plagued by platinum and gold mines that continued unabated to exploit mining communities fund politicians to turn a blind eye in accordance with CODESA agreement. Immediately following the end of his tenure as Premier in April 2004, he joined Anooraq Resources Corporation, a Canadian platinum exploration and exploitation company, as co-non-executive chairman, as was the trend to leave the public service has a comfortable position in white capital companies. by the brbad top of the ANC. Now, do people want to gain moral ground without getting involved in the rot that they helped to make? They have to wait and look in the mirror.

Prior to 2009, most ordinary people in South Africa did not even know what the public protector was, less known are the two previous incumbents of the office before Thuli Madonsela. Indeed, until white supremacy needed it, the office was practically useless. It has not investigated multi-billion-dollar apartheid-era crimes, such as the 1997 CIEX report, which showed traces of 26 billion rand siphoned off by cabinet ministers and corporations. of apartheid and how to recover it. What about illicit financial flows from the country facilitated by multinationals in South Africa, which would represent 20% of GDP per year in 2007 and could well exceed $ 1 trillion per year as of 2014 ?

Remember who owns the media that spreads all the propaganda and who will benefit from it, remember once again Mark Twain with his quote on newspapers and misinformation. Remember that, according to Malcolm X, the media is the most powerful entity in the world because they have the power to make sure that the innocent person looks guilty and that the culprit has look innocent. Do not be caught in the hype, understand what's going on.


While the media are doing their best to present Pravin Gordhan as a superhero who keeps the economy "stable", the biggest waste load of all time; they do not tell you the real reason they want it.

Pravin Gordhan was the prime candidate for the white monopoly capital after Nhlanhla Nene to "stabilize" the markets and the economy. What they were saying was that they wanted someone whom they knew to be on their side and who took charge of their interests and did not want the Zuma coup supported by the BRICS.

Immediately after Nhlanhla Nene's replacement by Des van Rooyen, Johann Rupert met with Cyril Ramaphosa, Trevor Manuel and his wife Maria Ramos to discuss the dismissal of the newly appointed Finance Minister Des van Rooyen.

The follow-up to this meeting took place on the night of December 13, 2015. The following senior officials and bankers of the White Monopoly Capital (multinational corporations) met with the ANC Top 6 to request the removal of the Rooyen van. :

Maria Ramos, Managing Director of Barclays Africa Group;

Colin Coleman, Head of Goldman Sachs in South Africa;

Stephen Koseff, Chief Executive Officer, Investec Bank;
Imperial Holdings Managing Director Mark Lamberti;
Sanlam CEO Ian Kirk;
South Africa Business Leadership Chair Bobby Godsell;

Johan van Zyl, CEO of Toyota Europe, and
Johan Burger, Rand's first CEO.
It is interesting to note that these meetings violated Section 4 of the 2004 Law on Preventing and Combating Corruption by White Capital Leaders, as they actively sought to influence the decisions of the state concerning nominees in a ministerial portfolio. Corruption. Nobody cares however, it is only news when it is supposedly the Guptas who appoint ministers.

Whatever the case, white monopoly capital got the candidate he wanted, Pravin Gordhan. However, to fully understand Pravin Gordhan's relationship with white monopoly capital, we must go back to CODESA. At the beginning of its mandate, CODESA appointed the "Transitional Executive Committee" (TEC), which took control of the South African government at that time, as the interim government. This TEC consisted of a few leaders from the ANC and the ruling National Party. In 1993, South Africa was facing balance of payments difficulties that resulted from a siege on the economy imposed by the apartheid regime. They had huge debts with the IMF and the World Bank – the twins of the economic badbadination – and the agreement reached at CODESA included that the new government would take over these debts.

The subcommittee of the Transitional Executive Board on Finance included (wait):

> Trevor Manuel (now Minister of Finance and head of Rothschild Africa),

> Maria Ramos (who later became General Manager of the National Treasury, then became General Manager of Transnet SOC and is now Managing Director of Barclays Group Africa),

> Pravin Gordhan (president of CODESA from 1991 to 1994, then commissioner of SARS from 1999 to 2009, when Jacob Zuma appointed him Minister of Finance, he is currently serving a second term in the ministry after Nene).

> Tito Mboweni (who was to become the prime minister of labor in Mandela's cabinet, then from 1999 Governor of the Reserve Bank until 2009, currently international adviser to Goldman Sachs International)

The CET, led by Thabo Mbeki, accepted on 1 December 1993 a loan of 850 million dollars from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), signed in advance by the South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan. The loan contained the following "terms and conditions", which the Mandela ANC readily agreed upon when signing the agreement and the outcome of the economic struggle:

  • Lowering of import duties;
  • Reduction of state spending,
  • Major cuts in public sector wages;
  • Free trade routes;
  • Capital of excessive flights to the borders of South Africa;
  • Privatization of state enterprises;
  • Economy under fiscal control; and
  • Last, but very important, the ANC must give up its radical position of nationalization of mines, banks, other strategic industries of the economy and abandon its policy of land expropriation; things that have been documented even in the Charter of Liberty compromised.

You now know that Pravin Gordhan was the first signatory of the official sale of land and the economy for which countless Africans have died since 1652. His pen was one of those defecating on the graves of Hintsa, Sekhukhune, Cetshwayo, Bambatha, Biko, Sobukwe, Lembede, Mashinini and many nameless heroes who gave their lives for the country over the centuries.

It does not maintain the stability of the economy, it keeps the guard for a sales pact, and that is why the American Chamber of Commerce supports it, saying that South Africa needs to him. its members are the beneficiaries of this infamous pact that robs the wealth of this country to its rightful owners. They need him, not us. They also need him to fight the BRICS. What we need is our land and our economy.

Oh, and do not listen to NGOs funded by the capitalists. They are in fact criminal organizations that make badgraphy badgraphy with our people and claim to help as they help to facilitate the flight of capital from the continent. Africa is a net creditor of the world, yet we are poor because of things like the pseudo-help sector of NGOs.

In conclusion, Jacob Zuma did nothing extraordinary about corruption in the government, he inherited a culture of corruption that has existed for a long time at the ANC and has continued. What is blamed on Jacob Zuma is that he pbades allegiances of economic pacts from the western capital to the BRICS led by China. That is why the white media demonized the BRICS country chiefs and we even saw Brazilian President Rouseff being successfully dismissed just weeks after Jacob Zuma's unsuccessful attempt to impeach him in April.

The BRICS poses a threat to the undisputed hegemony of the International Monetary Fund – The World Bank Group – The cartel of the Bank for International Settlements supported by the United Nations. They form the BRICS bank, which has already salvaged ESKOM with billions of dollars – an amount that would normally have been lent to ESKOM by the IMF or a similar organization. The biggest threat of the BRICS and BRICS bank however has been its decision to establish a benchmark currency, Russia and China have already done and wish to transfer the system to all BRICS. This would spell disaster for the US-led Western monetary system and, as such, is fiercely fought. China and Russia are even considering replacing SWIFT with the Chinese International Payment System (CIPS) for international payments.

I therefore advise that we cautiously deal with the call of Zuma's head. Who's calling for Zuma's head? What are their allegiances? Where will the country's economy go when its head falls?

I am all for Zuma to fall, but not to play in the hands of white capital. The good call is that the ANC must empower the population and collectively admit that it has sold us. Because the opposite faction in Zuma is filled with people who have blood on their hands. We can not expect better. We can not let the country go from a corrupt faction of the ANC to another corrupt faction of the ANC when the organization as a whole is corrupt. They must do the honorable thing:

Return us to the land and retire, let the young people take care of themselves.

In these tumultuous times, I think it is obvious that the situation calls for revolutionary action. We are at a moment in history when, if we do nothing, the homeland will be gone forever. Know that I do not answer for the BRICS. This on the grounds that I can not be sure that the two largest countries in the world in terms of land mbad and the two largest BRICS economies could become themselves the new cartel of the IMF / World Bank. All imperialism is bad, Western and Eastern.

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