Covid Status Certificates Could Lead to Deliberate Infections, Scientists Warn | Coronavirus


Covid status certificates – to allow those who have been vaccinated, recovered from the virus or tested negative to attend an event or vacation abroad – could do harm as well, government science advisers have warned British.

While they might encourage some people to get vaccinated, scientists say others may deliberately come out to be infected, in order to test positive for antibodies and get a certificate allowing them to mix more freely.

They say certificates, like vaccine passports, can also encourage people to behave as if they are no longer at risk, throwing off masks and ignoring social distancing.

The paper, which has yet to be peer reviewed, was written by a group of eight psychologists and behavior specialists, all but one of whom participate in the government’s advisory body on pandemic known as Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviors (SPI-B).

Their article reviews the studies conducted so far on the attitudes and likely behaviors of people if certificates of immunity are adopted.

“Allowing people to return to work, to socialize, and to fulfill their caregiving obligations brings many social, emotional and economic benefits,” write John Drury, professor of social psychology at the University of Sussex, and colleagues.

“Indeed, it might be considered unethical to restrict the movements of those who pose minimal risk to others. Depending on how it is applied, health certification could also encourage uptake of vaccination. It can also cause damage.

“One concern from a behavioral perspective is that certification can foster a mistaken sense of risklessness – both in people with and without certification – resulting from behaviors that increase the risk of infection or transmission.

“In addition, certification of immunity based on a positive antibody test result could have a paradoxical effect on the health protection behaviors whereby people deliberately seek infection in order to obtain a certificate.”

Health certificates are not a new idea, they point out. In the 15th century, printed health passes were used to allow trade and travel during the plague in Europe. They only certified that the porter came from a plague-free city.

In the current pandemic, Israel has already introduced a ‘green pass’ app to allow those who are vaccinated to go to concerts and the theater, while the EU has announced a program to allow those who have had Covid-19 or have been vaccinated to travel. between Member States.

The potential benefits of certificates, such as allowing people to attend events and travel more freely and safely, must be seen in the context of their potential for harm, say the authors, “but the nature and extent of these remain uncertain. It is also uncertain how the damage could be most effectively mitigated. “

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