COZA: Pastor Giwa sends severe warning to God's ministers


Senior Pastor of the Expectation of the Second Coming of the Evangelical Church Jesus Christ, Pastor Giwa advised church leaders around the world to do so in accordance with their teachings.

Several charges were made against the founder of the Commonwealth of Sion Assembly, Pastor COZA Biodun Fatoyinbo, the latest one coming from a former church staff member .

The lady who hid her identity and her face telling her story, said the incident occurred in 2017 at the pastor's.

Giwa, in a statement to DAILY POST Saturday, expressed disappointment at the unethical behavior of some ministers of God.

"As ministers of God, we should live by example. We are the guardians on our part of the house of God.

"We must keep the temple of the house of God clean because God is holy.

"It is better not to know Christ than to know Him and continue to sin.

"If we continue deliberately to sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there will be no sacrifice for sins, according to Hebrews 10:26.

"Everyone has a past; When you realize your sin and ask God for forgiveness, He forgives you and you do not need to return to sin.

"You can not stay in the pulpit preaching and doing something wrong. You can not claim to accept Jesus in your life and continue to sin.

"In Deuteronomy 22:10, we are asked to abstain from joking and ox and a donkey. They will want to go in different directions and at different speeds.

"The job description for Spirit-filled believers is to keep his temple, our pure body. When the temple is cluttered with unholy attitudes and actions, its presence diminishes and disappears.

"If we could just grasp the meaning of a holy God dwelling in us, it would revolutionize our lives. Remember, God will not live in a dirty house, "said Giwa.

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