Crisis in Venezuela: the Red Cross "ready to provide crucial assistance"


Francesco Rocca of the Red Cross

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Francesco Rocca of the Red Cross said some 650,000 people could be helped initially

The Red Cross (IFRC) says it can start distributing crucial relief supplies to Venezuela in crisis in two weeks.

Francesco Rocca, director of the IFRC, said the group could initially help 650,000 people suffering from a lack of food and medicine.

Opposition leader Juan Guaidó said the government had "acknowledged its failure by accepting the existence of a complex humanitarian emergency".

However, the government of President Nicolás Maduro has not yet commented on the supplies of the Red Cross.

In February, Maduro used the army to block an effort led by Mr. Guaidó to bring in US-backed aid convoys.

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Mr. Guaidó, president of the opposition-controlled National Assembly, declared himself acting president in January, winning the support of more than 50 countries, including the United States.

Mr. Maduro viewed aid convoys as a veiled American invasion.

What did the Red Cross say?

Speaking at a press conference in Caracas, Mr Rocca said: "We estimate that we are ready to offer help in about two weeks, and we hope to help 650,000 people in this area. beginning. "

Rocca said Venezuela is eligible for humanitarian activities, but it is unclear whether this means that the government has endorsed it.

He added that the IFRC should be able to act with "impartiality, neutrality and independence" and no interference.

Before the IFRC announcement, Guaidó said on Twitter: "In the coming hours, we will receive important medical support to control this tragedy".

But he did not provide any details on the source of the support.

Mr. Maduro denies any humanitarian crisis and has received material and support from Chinese and Russian allies.

However, hyperinflation and lack of supplies have often rendered food and medicine unaffordable, leading to malnutrition.

In a separate statement, the government announced Friday that it was preparing to receive a shipment of drugs from China.

How are Maduro and Guaidó in conflict?

Each of them claims to be the constitutional president of Venezuela.

Shortly after Mr. Guaidó declared himself interim leader, his badets were frozen and the Supreme Court, dominated by government loyalists, banned him from traveling.

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Legend of the mediaJuan Guaidó entrusted to the BBC earlier this month: "We want genuinely free elections"

But the 35-year-old opposition leader defied the ban last month by touring Latin American countries to garner support.

Guaidó continued to urge President Maduro to step down and urged security forces, mostly loyal to the government, to change sides.

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