Critical thinkers here? – Part 2


Critical thinkers here? - Part 2

It is not very well edited, and prepositions tend to go too far they do not require it, so the avid reader of critical grammar should not be distracted unnecessarily. Nevertheless, the rather interesting and insightful speech of Mr. Kofi Ata on the Afoko Assbadination saga, entitled "The Afoko trial, is it a threat to the independence of the judiciary of Ghana?", Undoubtedly constitutes an important contribution to his discussion topic ( 7/17/19). The author raises important fundamental questions of a procedural nature that should not be overlooked. But I also wonder, with an ironic smile, if Mr. Ata could not have written a more impeccable judicial speech if he had chosen to spend more time in university life and spending time in high school. St. Peter "Perscoba" or "Perscovite" in good faith), instead of fishing for salmon all day and all night off Mfantsipim School in Cape Coast.

You see, at the time when I was attending the Okwawu-Nkwatia PERSCO, Mfantsipim was becoming outmoded. Achimota was largely a collapsed academy for lost and unchanged sons and daughters of the wealthy, powerful, and corrupt. However, we have almost always loved Wesley Girls' delightful and pretty good scientists, who often gave us tough competition in the "O" – and "A" exams, even though custom and tradition dictated that we ring our wedding bells. with Akyem-Akwatia's gorgeous diamond-tiara daughters. Be that as it may, it is not entirely true, contrary to what the great Kofi Ata would say, that in fact Mr. Gregory Afoko, the main suspect in the brutal badbadination of Mr. Adams Mahama, then Neo-Patriotic Party (NPP) regional president, the main candidate Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, had fully fulfilled the conditions set by the High Court of Accra, where he was tried / tried for justifying the case. granting a bail to the long-time accused detainee.

In fact, what Mr. Afoko's lawyers did, as Mr. Abdul-Malik Kweku Baako, publisher-publisher of the New Crusading Guide, remarked with great emotion was to scathingly insult them. information from the High Court of Accra, where the main suspect was being prosecuted. , by presenting simple photocopies of documents stating that the future bailee or bail applicant should actually flee the tentacles of justice under the guise of Stygian darkness ("comrade" Kofi Ata can now m & # To help with these terms abracadabra), property of a quite decent value could be confiscated and confiscated for the benefit of the state, or of anyone or any entity whatsoever, likely to to be concerned or so designated. Kofi Ata and I, the two truckers, are fully aware that going to court with simple photocopies of the true McCoy is inexcusably equivalent to a false claim of ownership. It is the practical equivalent of a charge of contempt of court.

I am not a lawyer, as the Dear Reader already knows, unlike Senior Kofi Ata, but I am 100 per cent sure of being on the side of common sense and fair play. And that is what is clearly and significantly lacking in the article under discussion (See "Revealed: Afoko has failed to fulfill the conditions of his provisional release – Kweku Baako", 7 / 17/19). If a person or a party could be credibly and legitimately accused of "threatening the independence of the judiciary" or seriously undermining the credibility of the Ghanaian judicial system, it was certainly not the Attorney General Gloria Akuffo or any of them. its representatives and / or representatives. The culprit here was outright Afoko's attorneys or legal representatives, who inadvertently decided to test the patience and intelligence of the high court judge sitting by presenting what was clearly counterfeit or counterfeit documents like a "legitimate surety".

Now, I think I deserve to be sponsored by one of those honourary doctorates from Makola by the criticism of Attorney General Gloria Akuffo at the Faculty of Law of Ghana. Anyway, I tend to stay away from obsolete and strongly Latin terms such as "Nolle Prosequi". But, of course, in the context referred to by the British Cambridge critic, I think the Attorney General was perfectly aware of her ending the lawsuits at the time when she did it, even at a very advanced stage of prosecution, as pontifically stated Mr. Kofi Ata, once Mr. Asabke Alangdi, the second-most important suspect of the Adams Mahama Assbadination saga, had been the critic tells us that the he was caught in Cote d'Ivoire. To be certain, the pursuit of the case would have clearly been equated with the apogee of the prosecutor's madness and an inexcusable absurdity. That would literally be equivalent to throwing half or 50% of the incriminating evidence. And on this last point, it should be made clear that Mr. Asabke Alangdi was the criminal partner of Afoko who fled in the wake of the fatal killing of Mr. Adams with his wife, leaving the newborn of the couple. behind.

You see, you simply do not leave your baby behind and do not run away in exile, nor do you badume the status and uncertain life of a fugitive if you do not have absolutely nothing wrong or if you have absolutely nothing to hide from the law enforcement authorities. Then continue to hide until you are apprehended by chance, about three years later, in another country. You see, I had spent hundreds of hours of sleepless nights writing about the urgent need to quickly pursue the main suspects in the Adams Mahama Assbadination saga and I had seen so few results that I had practically realized as a result of the inescapable fact could have fought for a lost cause. It is essentially for this reason that I feel that the own pontifical justice of rabid critics such as Mr. Kofi Ata is even more criminal than the real main suspects of the brutal badbadination of Mr. Adams Mahama. I mean, this bloody and barbarous badbadination was in all its aspects a political murder.

Thus, I do not understand why a critic would want to impose and impute so impudently impious political motives to the conduct of the Attorney General in the case. Finally, if you can humbly ask: Do you ask critics such as the author of the article we are discussing here to think, in a split second, that a man who walks freely, Mr. Afoko, has much more chances of being erased or completely liquidated by some relatives, friends and supporters of the man killed? In other words, it is perhaps better that the suspect of the murder of Adams Mahama be placed in preventive detention. Believe me, Senior Kofi Ata, in the North, they do not dance "Kpanlogo" under a shower of gunfire.

* Visit my blog at the address: Ghanaffairs

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., PhD
Department of English, SUNY-Nbadau
Garden City, New York
July 17, 2019
E-mail: [email protected]

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