Crunch Time: get in shape for the summer


(StatePoint) There is nothing more humiliating than putting on a swimsuit. If you live your life fully, nothing hides the evidence. On the other hand, if you exercise and watch your diet, nothing is more gratifying than seeing a person thinner and more toned in the mirror. So, how can you get to this place happy and in time for the summer? You start today.

Counting calories and reading food labels can be a daunting task for eating well. However, some diet plans eliminate uncertainties, making it easier to respect the program and visualize the results. For example, The South Beach Diet is a convenient, simple and easy-to-follow program that focuses on an approach rich in protein, low carbs and sugar.

"Everything is planned for you. There are not many things to think about, "says Jessie James Decker, Brand Ambbadador for the South Beach Diet.

Remember, feeling helpless will not be sustainable. So be sure to stay full all day.

"Eating five or six times a day is a great way to maintain energy, prevent hunger and discourage overeating at the main meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner," says Courtney McCormick, Research Manager Clinic and Nutrition at South Beach Diet. "Bringing with you a series of healthy snacks to work like nuts or vegetables, you fight hunger and you also bring beneficial nutrients into your diet."

For those looking for a trendy way to see fast results, The South Beach Diet also offers a keto-friendly program, designed to be a low-carb, high-fat diet, compatible with a keto diet.

In addition to focusing on nutrition, exercise plays a fundamental role in fitness for the summer. Taking a fitness clbad like trying or boxing or running, there are countless ways to move and burn calories without having to take the whole day.

"High intensity workouts are my favorite," says Decker. "You knock him out, you do it quickly. Enter and exit is my motto. I do not have time to go to the gym for two hours. But I have to feel really good and have a fast heartbeat. This is the key for me.

In addition to the time spent on exercise, focus on other ways to be active throughout the day, such as a walk during the lunch break. According to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, not only will a 15 minute walk at lunch time can give you the energy needed to take energy throughout in the afternoon, but you can also improve your concentration and your overall mood. It is also proven that the effects of an afternoon walk can last until evening, allowing you to concentrate on preparing dinner, homework help and tasks that require energy and concentration.

Summer is right in front. Use this critical moment to adopt healthy eating and exercise habits


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