Customs officer and 4 others arrested for allegedly stealing tomato paste containers


Crime & Punishment of Monday, June 10, 2019



Arrested and handcuffed The suspects are a customs officer, two clearance agents, a national security agent and two traders.

Five people, including a customs officer, were apprehended by the Navy police for their alleged involvement in the disappearance of 10 tons of tomato concentrate containers from the port of Tema.

The suspects include a customs officer, two clearance agents, a national security agent and two traders.

Up to now, eight of the containers have been recovered by the maritime police while investigations are still underway to recover the other two.

Sending to Citi News, the commander of the Navy's Ports and Railways, Chief Superintendent Joseph Abebio, said the culprits would soon be brought to justice.

"The custom has recovered four [containers] in Kumasi and four others in Accra … One of those arrested was a freight forwarder. Another was a customs officer and the other a national security officer. Two businesswomen were also …

"All security agencies are working closely to prevent this from happening, but I know they are putting in place measures to prevent such diversions. It is a complete robbery, so when we have finished our investigations, we will treat them for the court. "

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