Dangerous blue light – new study shows: LED light hurts eyes immensely


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Many of us sit in front of the PC screen all day long. And if not, we often expose our eyes to blue light, which can hurt them tremendously. A simple trick protects.

Smartphone, television, computer screen: they all emit a blue light that accelerates the aging of our eyes. It can be reduced by simple measures of the proportion of blue light. Also, when buying LED lamps, you need to pay attention to a few things.

The blue light of LED lamps accelerates the aging of the eyes

French scientists have reached the conclusion of a study of the French Institute of Health and Medical Research the high proportion of blue light in LED lamps promotes age-related macular degeneration – an eye disease that affects about four million Germans and is the leading cause of severe visual impairment in people over 60 years of age.

In experiments on animals, the study's researchers had shown that a high light intensity of 6,000 lux LED lamps as well as conventional incandescent and fluorescent tubes trigger inflammatory processes in the eye, which can lead to death of the optic nervesAs the Norddeutsche Rundfunk also reported, the intensity of the light was 500 lux, which is comparable to the normal lighting of a room. Only LED lamps that have damaged the retina of rats during animal studies.

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Toggle mobile and PC in night mode

Their results have not been confirmed by long-term human studies. But French scientists write in their study that the data suggests, "that the blue component of white LED lamps can cause retinal toxicity to light at work and at homenot only under extreme experimental conditions. "

At the study

If you want to protect your eyes from blue light, you can easily implement the following::

  • Computer screens and smartphones can be found in the "Settings" of the night mode put: The blue part of the light is filtered, which protects the eyes.
  • Particularly bright LED lamps should be aligned to do not look directly into can.
  • Who uses the smartphone or watches TV, should turn on another light in the roombecause in the dark, the pupils dilate and a lot of blue light can penetrate the eyes.
  • There are also LED bulbs to buy, the orangey yellow lights upThe hue of the glbad body filters the blue light.

More information on the subject in the video

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jg / video: glomex

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