David Eason will not face animal cruelty charges


Earlier this week, police suggested that Jenelle Evans' story that David Eason shot the family dog ​​was a publicity stunt. At present, it has been announced that Estason would not be subject to charges related to the dog's death, as there was absolutely no evidence that the dog had been shot. It is unclear where Nugget is and fans are outraged that the father of three armed with firearms is not held responsible.

David Eason will not be charged for Nugget's fees.

David Eason will not be subject to charges related to Nugget's death, according to a statement issued by the Columbus County Sherriff Department. The investigation into the allegations of animal cruelty is officially closed.

The ministry decided not to lay charges because there is no evidence that the dog is not alive. Although Nugget is clearly no longer with Evans and Eason, no one knows exactly where she is or if she was killed by Eason.

Although it seems likely that the dog was killed by Eason, the investigators did not reveal any evidence to support this idea. The location of Nugget's body also remains a mystery. However, the dog was probably killed on the family property.

Jenelle Evans seems to argue with Columbus County
Sheriff's Department

When the news of disgraced reality TV was unveiled, social media exchanged their ideas. She insists that the police lie about everything. according to United States todayEvans challenged the entire statement of the department.

This is not true. The police called me and asked if it was a stunt and I told them it was WASNT and I did not know where my dog ​​was. https://t.co/3fqiiuisPb

– Jenelle Eason (@ PBandJenelley_1) July 12, 2019

The mother of three denies not only the allegation that she reportedly told the ministry that it was a public relations cascade, but she insisted that she had never even called the cops. The Columbus County authorities claimed that Evans had reported Nugget's death, but now she says they called her instead.

The police insist, however, that the story of Evans has changed several times. Not only did she change the details of the event, but she also changed where she was exactly when the alleged incident occurred. Evans also insists that she does not "remember" what she told investigators.

Fans point out that this sounds like an open and closed case

A lack of evidence of blood, and a couple who are just not
ready to support the investigation almost means that the hands of the police are
bound. If they can not prove that the incident occurred, they can not charge Eason
connection with it.

Do we all forget that DAVID admitted to killing the dog?!?!?!?

– Popcorn & Skittles (@ PopcornSkittle1) July 12, 2019

The fans, however, are upset. Eason used social media to defend his actions. In his now-deleted posts, Eason claimed that he was protecting his child when he killed the dog. Admission is sufficient for Teen Mom 2 fans, but the police do not see it that way.

Since there is no evidence that the dog was murdered, even Eason's admission is considered hearsay. The concept of "hearsay" was also used in court when a judge decided to file the couple's custody case.

Evans and Eason lost custody of three of their children shortly after the announcement of Nugget's death. The detention case was to last for months but was abruptly dropped on July 3rd. The three children were sent back to the couple the next day.

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