Days Gone – The third trailer of the world is out – GAMEtainment


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Past days

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Past days

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Sony interactive entertainment published the third and final part of the series of trailers "The World of Days Gone". The now-completed series represents the world and mechanics of the Open World Survival game Past days more precisely.

World of Days Gone Trailer 3: Fight for survival Deacon, the protagonist, is permanently exposed in post-apocalyptic Oregon. The focus is on the "freaker" – the creatures infected by the virus and deprived of spirit, who roam wildly in the desert and feed mainly on cannibals. There are some species of Freaker: "Swarmers" tend to move in small groups, but sometimes find themselves in a mbadive horde acting as their own organism. The smartest cuddlers attack as opportunists only when Deacon is weak or approaching too closely. "Screecher" alarm other freakers and "crushers" should usually be avoided because of their power.
Freakers are also joined by infected animals such as wolves and bears, as well as survivors of opposing factions seeking Deacon for their lives. Fortunately, Deacon knows how to defend himself with all sorts of means. For example, inflamed crossbows that set fire to Freaker nests, firearms worn by opponents, or acquired with slightly higher quality in survivors' camps, or sharp weapons and firearms made by them. user and can be improved.

Past days will be released exclusively on Playstation 4 on April 26th.

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