Death threat for the leader of the Dutch right-wing party after a massive electoral victory


The right-wing Democracy Forum led by Thierry Baudet won 86 seats in this week's Dutch provincial election, more than any other party. Prime Minister Mark Rutte's ruling VVD party won 80 seats (up from 89), followed by Christian Democrats with 74 (up from 89). The Freedom and Peace Party of Geert Wilders, PVV, won only 41 seats against 66 today.

"Volkert, where are you?" This reference to Volkert van der Graaf, the murderer of Dutch right-wing politician Pim Fortuyn, was published on Facebook by Corné Hanssen, who teaches at the sub-faculty of Islam and from Arabic to the University of Utrecht. He expressed his remorse for the remark – now removed from his Facebook page – but faces an internal investigation and possibly criminal prosecution.

The remarks were made after a mbadive electoral victory of the Forum for Democracy chaired by Thierry Baudet in the Dutch provincial elections on Wednesday. Voters elected 570 provincial representatives in the twelve provinces of the Netherlands. Elected officials will choose the 150 members of the Senate, or "Eerste Kamer".

If the candidates of the province remain in their political colors, Baudet, who has friendly relations with Jean-Marie Le Pen, former leader of the French National Front, and Jared Taylor, white supremacist American, will have a substantial block among the 150 members of the Senate places. The current coalition (Liberals, Christian Democrats and two other parties) will lose its majority.

Baudet presents himself as an eccentric intellectual, has already spoken in Latin during a parliamentary session and has had a grand piano installed in his offices.

Referendum in Ukraine

He entered politics in 2016 with the Forum for Democracy, which started as a think tank and gained international notoriety when he successfully campaigned against the Ukraine badociation agreement. -UE after holding a referendum that forced the Netherlands, as the only member of the EU, to vote against the treaty.

The rise of the Forum for Democracy follows a growing trend to the right in Dutch politics that began with the emergence of Pim Fortuyn, killed in 2002 by an animal activist just before the elections.

His "List Pim Fortuyn" became a considerable force in Parliament, but was the victim of an internal feud.

Geert Wilders' PVV wore this right-wing banner with his strong anti-EU and anti-immigration agenda, overlapping a wave of populist movements across Europe, including the Alternative Für Deutschland in Germany, Vox en Spain and the Italian movement Five Star. and Hungarian and Polish politicians who increasingly apply right-wing policies.

Global warming

Baudet's appeal to the Dutch voters seems to be stronger than that of Wilders. "This has been a surprise to many," says Bernard Steunenberg, a political scientist at the University of Leiden, who believes that Wilders voters "are fed up with the same rhetoric, especially when they see no measure that interests them ".

But he explains that the main factor explaining Baudet's victory is "the huge emphasis over the last six months on climate change and the measures that the Dutch would take to fight global warming".

As the yellow vests In France, many Dutch people are increasingly opposed to the measures to be taken, especially when it appears that consumers would pay on average 250 euros more per year for their energy costs. The Forum for Democracy made it one of the stories in his campaign saying that citizens should not be hit.

But Steunenberg adds that the Forum could face the same fate as Wilders' PVV "if they do not care about their promises to the citizens".

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