Defend yourself and the possible repercussions (1)


Unholy alliance between FG and Miyetti Allah could lead to the break-up of Nigeria like Sudan and South Sudan - warns ECWA Church

By Dele Sobowale

“Let an intolerable situation last too long; and suddenly there are no more good options ”- Arthur Burns, 1904-1987.

Arthur Burns was the tenth chairman of the US Federal Reserve, the equivalent of our governor of the Central Bank, under the leadership of President Richard Nixon. He was named at a time when the US economy was going through a recession after years of expansion.

Hard decisions, destined to be unpopular, were called for. The late economist made the remarks as he took office. But, Burns’ statement can be applied to several non-economic situations. Some of us have known or heard of the person the doctors advised to have their toe amputated; and who categorically refused. Then she was asked to have her foot amputated as her condition worsened. Ultimately, it was a choice between having his leg removed or death.

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