Demo 'KUM YEN PREKO': Why did former Prez Mahama and Rawlings "opt" | Policy


Thousands of activists and supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) gathered on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 to take part in the "Kum Yen Preko" demonstration organized by the Social Justice Coalition (CSJ), a party-leaning group d & # 39; opposition.

They cited the unbearable economic hardships and oppression experienced under the Akufo-Addo government as reasons for the protest.

The group also expressed concerns about insecurity and attacks on media freedom, among others.

The Minority Caucus in Parliament, the Greater Accra Women's Market Association and the Chief Potters Association joined the pressure group for the protest march.

These included the Union of Drivers, the True Drivers Union, the Free Media Vanguard, the Menzgold Customer Coalition Against National Sovereignty, and the unpaid customers of Gold Coast Fund Management.

The founder of the protest, Jerry John Rawlings, and the president general, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, among others, were clearly absent from the opposition party hierarchy of which the national president, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, was the founder.

Some people blinked in their absence, because Mr. Mahama, in particular, was running the NDC's Unity Walk campaign.

Deputy [MP] for the Ayensuano constituency in the Eastern region, the Hon. Samuel Ayeh-Paye, seems to have the answer.

According to him, the two former leaders of Ghana, prominent members of the CND, did not participate in the event "KUM YEN PREKO" – which he considers an allegorical float – because "they understood that they did not need it ".

"… Indeed, former President John Dramani Mahama and Jerry John Rawlings, although they are the highest leaders of the NDC, have not joined the tank because they really appreciate the good works of President Akufo-Addo ".

He then added the former president Mahama "looking at how he left the Ghanaian economy and its evolution in two and a half years, feels that he has nothing to say against him.".

Speak on UTV& # 39; S & # 39;Adekye NsomaHon Ayeh-Paye baderted that according to the NPP program, the ruling government has filled nearly eighty [80] ninety [90] percent of his election promises made.

"And that leaves the NDC without message so unnecessary demonstrations and press conferences to attract attention," he added.

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