Democrats for dismissing Trump: who wants to open a dismissal investigation?


Nanette Barragán reCaliforniaD + 35

"It's up to Congress to hold the president to account, which is why we need transparency and hearings on the Mueller report," she tweeted on May 29. Read more "

karen Low reCaliforniaD + 37JUD.

"I do not think it's appropriate to hurry," she told CQ Roll Call on May 15th. Read more "

Am I Bera reCaliforniaD + 3

"I do not think that's the way to go," Bera told KTXL on April 25. Read more "

Anthony Brindisi reNew YorkR + 6

"The dismissal is a mistake," he told the Wall Street Journal. Read more "

Anthony G. Brown reMARYLANDD + 28

Brown did not take a position on the timeliness of an impeachment investigation, although he told Roll Cal: "If an article came up, I would vote in favor of this one. " Read more "

Darling Bustos reHED + 3

The Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has privately declared Mueller's report to be the last of the concerns of the focus group voters. Read more "

Salud Carbajal reCaliforniaD + 7

"I reserve my judgment until we have turned every stone," he told the Santa Barbara Independent in April. Read more "

Andrew Carson reIND + 11

"I do not think we should exclude impeachment," he told CNN on May 29. Read more "

Matthew Cartwright rePennsylvaniaR + 1

"The Congress must continue to fulfill its constitutional duty of oversight of this administration, and the relevant committees have an obligation to respond to the issues raised in the Mueller report," he said. The Morning Call in May. Read more "

Ed Case reHID + 17

On May 29, he told the Annolulu Star-Advertiser that it would be "premature" to dismiss President Trump. Read more "

Sean Casten reHER + 2

"It is imperative that we take steps to protect our democracy by adopting a law to strengthen the security of elections and I will continue to work with my colleagues to uphold the Constitution," he tweeted on May 29. Read more "

Kathy Beaver reFLD + 7CHAIR

"I listened carefully to the special advocate Robert Mueller," I was struck by the emphasis he had put on the fact that the obstruction of justice had been committed many times … and that the president could not be exonerated, "she tweeted on May 29. Read more "

Katherine M. Clark reMYD + 18

"The indictment is not excluded, but I think we want to hear the Attorney General Barr, as well as Robert Mueller," she told WGBH in April. Read more "

William Lacy Clay reMOD + 29

"We must do everything in our power to maintain our majority and not be content to continue the impeachment for not pursuing it because people do not like this man," he told Kansas City Star in May. Read more "

Emanuel Couperet II reMOD + 7

Cleaver announced that it would make a decision after special advocate Robert S. Mueller III had testified before Congress. Read more "

James E. Clyburn reCaroline from the southD + 19

"We are not there yet, it is the difference between the majority of the caucus at the moment and the very large minority who would like us to proceed immediately to the impeachment," he said. he told CNN on May 22nd.

Gerald E. Connolly reVirginiaD + 15

"I think this sets a precedent that troubles me because I do not think we need to go to court and tell us, well, we'll launch a dismissal investigation that justifies this investigation," he told PBS NewHour in May 22 Read more "

Jim Cooper reTND + 7

"The 2020 elections are the best way to bring the president to justice. If the American people remove him from office, he will no longer be safe from prosecution, "Cooper said in a statement. Read more "

J. Luis Correa reCaliforniaD + 15JUD.

"This is not yet the time to ask the question of impeachment," said May 9, the moderate group co-chair Blue Coal Coalition. Read more "

TJ cox reCaliforniaD + 5

The potentially vulnerable democrat did not mention the impeachment in any of his statements. "[I]It is important for the Congress to continue investigating, asking tough questions and holding the administration to account, "he told McClatchy on May 29. Read more "

Angie Craig reMNR + 2

"If I focus only on issues and not on politics, that's what we need to do," she said on May 29. Read more "

Jason Raven reCOD + 2

"We must look at all the options for Congress to respond to this breach of our rule of law and restore power to the American people," he said in a statement to the Colorado Sun. Read more "

Henry Cuellaire reTXD + 9

"The short answer is: would I vote now to dismiss the president? No," he said on May 29. Read more "

Elijah E. Cummings reMARYLANDD + 26CHAIR

The chairman of the House Monitoring Committee has not yet publicly supported the indictment, as his committee conducts its own investigations into Trump.

Joe Cunningham reCaroline from the southR + 10

"It's important to take a deep breath and make decisions based on facts, not emotions," he said in April. Read more "

Tony Cárdenas reCaliforniaD + 29

"There is a reason that calls us" the House of the People. "We have a responsibility to all Americans to do our duty, and nothing will prevent us from hiding or lying," he said. tweeted on May 29th. Read more "

Sharice Davids reKSR + 4

"Although we still need to access the underlying documents and evidence, I continue to trust my colleagues on the relevant House committees to carry out the necessary control and enforce the state of the law." right, "said the potentially vulnerable Democrat at McClatchy on May 29. Read more "

Susan A. Davis reCaliforniaD + 14

She said in April that the report of special advocate Robert S. Mueller III provided a "road map for impeachment". Read more "

Peter A. DeFazio reOREVENCHAIR

DeFazio said he supported Congressional investigations on the Trump administration. Read more "

Rosa L. DeLauro reCTD + 9

At a closed-door meeting with Democrats in the House on May 20, the Washington Post said that DeLauro "was angering and reprimanding lawmakers for the fact that an investigation was under way. in accusation would further divert the law from the legislation ". Read more "

Suzan DelBene reWashingtonD + 6

"If the administration continues its obstruction actions by defying court orders, Congress will then have few options and will make destitution inevitable," she said. at the Seattle Times in May. Read more "

Antonio Delgado reNew YorkR + 2

"I did not run … to dismiss the president," he said at a public meeting in May. Read more "

Theodore E. Deutch reFLD + 6JUD.CHAIR

"The role of Congress is not to carry out the criminal investigation of the special adviser, but an investigation to determine whether the President of the United States violated his oath of office, broke public confidence and committed crimes and serious crimes, "said the senior official of The Judiciary Committee and the chairman of the Ethics Committee said May 29. He did not directly say that he was supporting an imputation investigation. Read more "

Debbie Dingell reMIDD + 14

"I think that a split impunity would tear our country apart," she told Fox News in May. Read more "

Lloyd Doggett reTXD + 15

"I look forward to seeing the Democrats show the same kind of courage as Justin Amash," he said on May 20, without calling for the start of the impeachment proceedings. Read more "

Mike Doyle rePennsylvaniaD + 13

"If the Administration continues to ignore legitimate subpoenas and make endless appeals, we may not have any choice but to initiate a proceeding." dismissal ", he tweeted on May 23rd. Read more "

Eliot L. Engel reNew YorkD + 24CHAIR

Engel told Hill in April that Democrats "should be cautious" with the dismissal. Read more "

Anna G. Eshoo reCaliforniaD + 23

"I was sentenced, it tears the country," she told the hill in May. Read more "

Abby Finkenauer reIAD + 1

"We must take our role very seriously as a branch of government on an equal footing," she told the Gazette in May. Read more "

Lizzie Fletcher reTXR + 7

"We need to see the underlying documents and, frankly, we need to see the entire report unredacted to make some judgments," she told Houston Public Media in April. Read more "

Lois Frankel reFLD + 9

"We are going to do our constitutional duty, and I think most of us, the Democrats, have the patience to let that happen," she told CNN in April. Read more "

Tulsi Gabbard reHID + 19

I do not think we should defeat Donald Trump by indictment, "she told Fox News in April. Read more "

Ruben Gallego reAZD + 23

"I do not think we should be afraid of the impeachment option," he told CNN in April. Read more "

John Garamendi reCaliforniaD + 5

In May, Garamendi told Fox News that special advocate Robert S. Mueller III should testify before the start of an impeachment proceeding. Read more "

Sylvia Garcia reTXD + 19JUD.

"So we must try every means and exhaust them to try to reach a compromise.And finally, the court will judge us on this basis," she told CQ Roll Call on May 15. Read more "

Jared d & # 39; gold reMER + 2

"Believe me, I'm going to be ready to do what is right for this country if we come to this very serious debate on impeachment," he said in March. Read more "

Jimmy Gomez reCaliforniaD + 35

"It's always an option, it's still on the table," he told MSNBC in April. Read more "

Josh Gottheimer reNew JerseyR + 3

A spokesman for Gottheimer told in May that he was opposed to the impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Read more "

Josh Stronger reCaliforniaEVEN

"We need to get to the bottom of things and we need more transparency and accountability from Washington, especially from the White House," he told McClatchy on May 29. Read more "

Alcee L. Hastings reFLD + 31

"Congress has a duty to attack the alarming actions of President Trump aimed at obstructing justice, ending congressional investigations and deceiving the American people," he tweeted on May 31. Read more "

Denny heck reWashingtonD + 5

"The president is doing no favor in doubling his obstruction and continuing to block the investigations that Congress has the constitutional obligation to conduct," he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more "

Brian Higgins reNew YorkD + 11

"The impetus may be simply to proceed immediately to indictment, but I think we need to explore the 10 areas that the Mueller report has left open for the president to be able to impede justice," he said. he told Buffalo News. in April. Read more "

Katie Hill reCaliforniaEVEN

"In fact, I think that part of the hesitation to conduct a dismissal investigation is that we are already doing this job. We are already doing the job of exposing it to the American people," he said. she told the press the week of May 27. Read more "

Jim Himes reCTD + 7

"With every blow the president imposes on congressional oversight, he probably convinces some people that dismissal will make sense," he told the Atlantic. Read more "

Kendra horn reD & # 39; agreementR + 10

"There are a lot of things we do not know and I think we need all the information to make the decisions, and then we'll see what happens next," she said at a meeting. in April. Read more "

Steven Horsford reNVD + 3

"It is now incumbent on Congress to take the measures that are required because no one is above the law," he told Nevada Current in May. Read more "

Chrissy Houlahan rePennsylvaniaD + 2

"We need to continue our investigation in the House to be able to judge the way forward," she told The Morning Call in May. Read more "

Steny H. Hoyer reMARYLANDD + 16

"Based on what we have seen so far, the indictment is not worth it at this point. Quite frankly, there will be elections in 18 months and the American people will vote, "told CNN's Democrat Channel 2 in April. Read more "

Hakeem Jeffries reNew YorkD + 36JUD.

"It is clear to all who pay attention that we are in the majority because of two excellent members such as Jason and Elissa and so many others who have not been indicted," said the president. Democratic caucus in May at a press conference. new members of Congress. Read more "

Eddie Bernice Johnson reTXD + 29CHAIR

"Even in this redacted version of the Mueller report, it is clear that the President of the United States and his campaign have engaged in wrongdoing – implicating the links of his campaign with Russian interference in the election. of 2016 and the obstruction of justice, "she said. statement in April. Read more "

Hank Johnson reGeorgiaD + 24JUD.

"But, no, we are not yet where we need to be to start impeaching proceedings in the House as far as I'm concerned," he told CQ Roll Call on May 9. Read more "

Joe Kennedy reMYD + 9

"It's really as if he was harbading us, he was persuading Congress to do it," he told Boston Herald Radio in May. Read more "

ro Khanna reCaliforniaD + 25

"I'm not there yet, I think we have to be methodical, we have to defend our arguments," he told on May 21. Read more "

Daniel Kildee reMIDD + 5

"I think we have to be very careful about that," he told Roll Call in May. Read more "

Derek Kilmer reWashingtonD + 6CHAIR

"The Congress will continue to fulfill its responsibility and duty to protect the Constitution, protect democratic institutions from corruption and ensure control," he told the Seattle Times. may. Read more "

Andy Kim reNew JerseyR + 2

"I am not in favor of opening an impeachment procedure at this time," he told in May. Read more "

Ron Nice reWIEVEN

"I'm comfortable with the hearings and investigations that are going on right now," he told Wisconsin Public Radio on May 29. Read more "

Ann Kirkpatrick reAZR + 1

"I am a former prosecutor, I think we have to be very cautious and make sure we have our evidence, and as I said, it has to be a bipartisan effort," he said. she declared at a public meeting on May 29th. Read more "

Raja Krishnamoorthi reHED + 8

He told WBEZ that he was "not there yet" in impeachment proceedings. Read more "

Ann Kuster reNHD + 2

"President Trump and his administration have repeatedly criticized the legitimate control role of Congress, preventing people from testifying to refuse to answer questions about the sabotage of our health system," she said in a statement. Concord Monitor in May. Read more "

millstone Larsen reWashingtonD + 10

"The committees are making progress using congressional powers to appropriately control the president and his administration," he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more "

John Lewis reGeorgiaD + 34

"I think what we have to do as a party and as a people is ourselves – I mean, take our time and do not be so quick to commit to this path of impeachment. ", he told Rolling Stone. Read more "

Zoe Lofgren reCaliforniaD + 24JUD.CHAIR

"We need the full report, the underlying evidence, and we will have to hear a number of witnesses, and then we will see what we will have to do next," she told CQ Roll in a statement. made in May 13 Read more "

Ben Ray Luján reNMD + 8

"While the House continues to badume its responsibilities for constitutional control, Congressman Luján believes that nothing should be removed from the table," he said in a statement. Read more "

Lucy McBath reGeorgiaR + 8JUD.

The vulnerable member of Congress did not mention the impeachment in any of his statements regarding the Mueller report. Read more "

Debbie Mucarsel Powell reFLD + 6JUD.

"The Congress must defend the foundations of our democracy when it is attacked by the executive," she said in a statement on May 29 without mentioning an indictment. Read more "

Jerrold Nadler reNew YorkD + 26PRESIDENT OF JUD.

"It depends on what comes out, it depends on where the Americans are, whether they want to go that route or not, I do not want to give the impression that we are moving towards the We probably are not, "he told CNBC in an interview posted on May 15. Read more "

Richard E. Neal reMYD + 12CHAIR

The chair of the ways and means committee has not yet publicly supported the impeachment because his committee is conducting its own investigations into Trump.

Donald W. Norcross reNew JerseyD + 13

"What is absolutely clear is that the president is now trying to block our access to the information we need, the more he will block them, the more likely we will be to take the ultimate step," he told NJ .com in May. Read more "

Franc Pallone Jr. reNew JerseyD + 9CHAIR

"I do not think we can condemn him, we will spend all this time challenging him and we will have nothing to show for that," he told in May. Read more "

Chris Pappas reNHR + 2

"We also need to hear from Special Advocate Robert Mueller directly to identify the way forward," he said in a statement to the Concord Monitor in May. Read more "

Donald Payne Jr. reNew JerseyD + 36

"Withdrawal is one of the tools in the Congressional Constitution's toolbox, but it's not the only one," Payne told in May. Read more "

Nancy Pelosi reCaliforniaD + 37

Ed Perlmutter reCOD + 6

"Democrats will continue to weigh the many options on the table when it comes to action against those who refuse to cooperate with congressional orders," he said in a statement. in Colorado Sun. Read more "

Scott Peters reCaliforniaD + 6

"It would not surprise me if it was there that it ended," he said in May. Read more "

Dean Phillips reMND + 1

"I'm just not here yet," said the newly elected legislator, sharing polls that most Americans do not approve of dismissal, in an interview with MSNBC on May 23. "I want to be careful and methodical." Read more "

David E. Price reNorth CarolinaD + 17

"If this concealment continues, President Trump could leave us no choice," he told News & Observer. Read more "

Raul Ruiz reCaliforniaD + 2

"Congress has an obligation to review the unexpurgated report and the underlying evidence, to continue to exercise control and to hear directly from the special advocate to determine the proper course of action." appropriate follow-up, "he told Press-Enterprise in April. Read more "

CALIFORNIA. Dutch Ruppersberger reMARYLANDD + 11

Jan Schakowsky reHED + 18

"The indictment is not off the table," she told WBEZ. Read more "

Adam B. Schiff reCaliforniaD + 23CHAIR

The chairman of the intelligence services committee has not yet publicly supported the impeachment process, as his committee conducts its own investigations into Trump.

Kurt Schrader reOREVEN

Schrader said he supported government investigations on the Trump administration in Congress. Read more "

Kim Schrier reWashingtonEVEN

"Once we have a clear idea of ​​what happened, there is nothing left," she told the Seattle Times in May. Read more "

Mikie Sherrill reNew JerseyR + 3

"As long as the relevant committees can continue to do their work, I am quite comfortable now that Congress can do its job," she told may. Read more "

Albio bulls reNew JerseyD + 27

A spokesman for Sires told in May that he was awaiting the outcome of ongoing investigations in the House. Read more "

Adam Black-smith reWashingtonD + 21CHAIR

"We have to prepare to start the impeaching procedure, but we are still conducting our entire investigation," he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more "

Darren In a way to reFLD + 5

Soto told Roll Call in May that he kept an open mind on the impeachment procedure. Read more "

Eric Swalwell reCaliforniaD + 20JUD.

"We are on the road to destitution … we do not want to be a way … but no one is above the law," tweeted the presidential candidate of 2020 on May 16. Read more "

Dina Titus reNVD + 15

"It's now up to Congress to make sure no one is above the law," she told Nevada in May. Read more "

Lauren Underwood reHER + 5

"At the moment, Congress exercises the control imposed by Article 1 of the Constitution." This crucial step may seem frustrating, but it is important that we do so in a methodical, comprehensive and in-line manner. of the Constitution, "Underwood told WBEZ. Read more "

Jeff Van Drew reNew JerseyR + 1

"I think dismissal is probably the last decision we would ever want to make," he told in May. Read more "

Debbie Wbaderman Schultz reFLD + 11

In a statement dated May 29, she did not mention the impeachment: "Vigilant control of this president is essential, Congress must provide it and take steps to hold those responsible accountable." Read more "

Bonnie Watson Coleman reNew JerseyD + 16

"We must continue to search for documents, to call witnesses about what he has done, what they have observed," she told in May. Read more "

Susan Wild rePennsylvaniaD + 1

"I think special advocate Robert Mueller should testify before Congress to explain in detail his thoughts, his methods and his conclusions.It is now up to Congress to badume its oversight responsibilities in order to determine the best way forward. to follow, "she told The Morning Call in May. Read more "

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