Demonic flood will carry Ghana – Eagle Prophet says


General News of Monday, April 8, 2019



Eagle prophet play the videoEagle prophet

Eagle Prophet, a man of God who self-proclaims, predicted mbadive floods would occur throughout Ghana.

He said he saw a spiritual creature like a frog spitting water that would cause unusual flooding.

According to him, this water will result in mbadive floods that would cover the whole of Ghana.

This flood, he said, will destroy many properties, including houses, offices and other valuables.

Eagle Prophet, known in real life as Reindolph Oduro Gyebi, said that the month of April is a month of flood ..

He is the founder and general supervisor of the Crown Chapel of God in Accra.

"I saw the spirit like a frog spewing water, the water is demonic and it covered all of Ghana."

"I've seen a lot of houses being destroyed, a lot of grandeur and many offices filled with this demonic water," said Eagle Prophet in Twi language.

Meanwhile, Eagle Prophet made the news after similar prophecies.

Some time ago, he predicted that the Accra Mall would experience an explosion, but he ruthlessly mocked when this prophecy failed about six months ago.

He also claimed to have predicted the death of diva Ebony Reigns.

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