Denmark does not leave Ghana – Ambassador Tove Degnbol


Ambbadador of Denmark to Ghana, Mrs Tove Degnbol

Ambbadador of Denmark to Ghana, Mrs Tove Degnbol

Denmark is not closing all its development activities and is leaving Ghana because of the transition from aid to trade, said Denmark's ambbadador to Ghana, Ms Tove Degnbol.

On the contrary, she said the embbady has recruited new staff to prepare and manage the different types of collaboration that would be the focus of the country in the future.

With the impressive increase in Ghana's wealth, she said, cooperation between the two countries is shifting from large Danida-funded programs to new forms of engagement.

Ms. Degnbol reported when she addressed state ministers, members of the diplomatic corps and traditional and religious leaders at a reception at the university. on the occasion of the 170th Day of the Danish Constitution in Accra.

She added that part of the planned new activities included strategic sectoral cooperation between the Danish and Ghanaian authorities in the maritime sector, water resources and statistics.

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"The Embbady's business team continues to receive potential investors from Denmark to Ghana to explore business opportunities in areas such as water supply, waste management, green energy, agriculture and agriculture. food, as well as the maritime and infrastructure sectors, "she says.

She added that the cities of Tema and Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark, are cooperating strategically in water management.

As a result, she announced that she would soon visit Denmark with the mayor of Tema and the Ghana Water Company to sign a memorandum of understanding with the mayor of Aarhus.

"The focus will also be on waste management and non-invoiced water," she said, adding that in Tema, as in many other cities in Ghana, the loss Drinking water from the treatment plant up to the tap reached 50%. .

The Ambbadador said that Aarhus had become a world leader in this field, with only a 5% loss of water, and that both sides were eager to collaborate and share their experiences.

Anti-corruption conference

Ambbadador Degnbol recalled that last October, she had the pleasure of traveling to Denmark with a delegation from Ghana.

She said Deputy Finance Minister Kwaku Kwarteng; The Auditor General, Daniel Domelevo, and the Special Prosecutor for Anti-Corruption, Martin Amidu, participated in an international conference on the fight against corruption in Copenhagen.

She said that with civil society and media representatives in Ghana, they were very visible and vocal representatives of the country.

The Ambbadador reiterated that Ghana and Denmark have been cooperating since 1992 in various fields, such as water and sanitation, health, feeder roads, decentralization, good governance , the fight against corruption and the development of the private sector.

Diplomatic relations

She observed that Denmark and Ghana had close relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1961 and had revealed that the first Danes had visited the Gold Coast about 360 years ago.

She said that even though the Danes were not proud of the level of cooperation that had taken place at the time, it had nevertheless created a special relationship on which our common heritage rests.

Mrs Degnbol said that the Danish-Norwegian presence (at the time, only one nation) was reflected in family names such as Engmann, Hansen, Hesse, Lokko, Quist, Richter, Sonne, Svanekjær (or Swaniker) and Wulff.

According to her, there were more than 80 Danish names in Ghana.

She especially welcomed all the guests at the reception who had such names.

She said Denmark wanted a future for Ghana and its people characterized by peace, stability and prosperity, adding that her country was proud to consider Ghana not only as a close friend, but also as a member of the same family.

The ambbadador congratulated all the Danish companies that helped organize and sponsor the celebration.

The companies mentioned included Go Aqua, Blue Town, ECOM Trading, Grundfos, APM Terminals, Maersk Drilling, Noridane, Arla and Pandora.

Ms Degnbol also expressed her thanks to Tulip Denmark, Benny from BECO, Royal UNIBREW, FanMilk (which was a Danish company), WARA (Head of Emergency Medical Services), MPS, DSTC Solar, Margins and Maersk Group.

Ursula Owusu-Ekuful

Minister of Communications Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, who led the government delegation at the reception, said the government has spent the last two years putting in place measures to improve the fundamentals of the Chinese economy. country and had achieved important successes.

She pointed out that Ghana's economy grew from 3.6 percent in 2016 to 8.5 percent in 2017, adding that it should grow by 7.9 percent, making it one of the fastest growing economies. the fastest in Africa.

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