Developers accused of "segregating" children on a playground in London


Climbing fence children


A resident said segregation between Wren Mews' children and the old Baylis school "made her cry"

Promoters were accused of "separating" children from private and social housing after they were stranded in a common play area.

Residents of a residential complex in South London claim that children in private apartments can enjoy the playground, but not those in social housing.

Lambeth Council said that it had not approved the walls and hedges that delimit the playground.

Henley Homes said this marks the boundary between two distinct developments.

The council approved the development of 149 homes on Lollard Street, Kennington, in 2013, with play areas designed to "maximize their integrity."

But the complex has since been split into two parts: Wren Mews, which includes 36 social housing units, and Baylis Old School, which includes private landlords.

Residents of Wren Mews do not have the "right of access to the old school grounds of Baylis," according to Henley Homes.


The chairman of the planning committee of the London Assembly said "that there should not be any separate spaces"

Louise Whitley, a private landowner whose children are friends with young people from Wren Mews, said the separation "made her cry".

"They separate the children," she told the Guardian.

"We bought an apartment here because it was marketed as being ideal for families.

"But now, our children's friends are looking out the window and can not come join us.

"We want them to be given access in the original plans."

Copyright of the image
Henley Homes


Louise Whitley said she bought an apartment in the development because it was marketed as a family product

Housing Minister James Brokenshire tweeted: "Children are excluded from the enjoyment of a playground on the same development because they live in social housing, it is outrageous. "

Dinah Bornat, a child-friendly architect and design expert who advises planners and local authorities, told BBC Radio London: "I think it's really, really sad.

"The fact that children are forced to play separately is completely unnatural to them and this sends them the message that they are less important human beings."

Copyright of the image
Dinah Bornat


The architect Dinah Bornat described the situation as "really sad" and "unnatural"

Nicky Gavron, chairman of the planning committee of the London Assembly, said that the separation "completely flouted the mayor's game and the norms of informal recreation for children and young people".

"There should be no separate space, no denial of access to a common play space," she added.

Matthew Bennett, board member of Lambeth Council Planning, said that the "current separate arrangement" was "totally unacceptable" and was not included in the initial planning application.

He added that access to the playground had been "modified by the management company" and that the council had written to Henley Homes "urgently".

Henley Homes said the development was "in fact two neighboring areas", Warwick Estates managing the private party and Guinness Partnership Social Housing.

The question fell to these bodies and residents to "discuss among themselves and agree on a way forward," a spokeswoman added.

Warwick Estates declined to comment.

The Guinness Partnership said: "We would be delighted if our guests' children could access the playgrounds of the rest of the development."

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