Developing countries present demands ahead of COP26 climate negotiations


Developing country representatives kicked off negotiations ahead of this year’s COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November.

The new position paper sets out a five-point plan for concluding a successful COP26 summit and highlights the key issues that need to be addressed in order to address the climate crisis.

It comes in response to the failure to make the necessary progress in tackling the climate crisis at last month’s G7 and G20 finance ministers’ meeting that ended on Sunday.

Discussions at COP26 will address key issues regarding the Paris Agreement, such as pledged financial support from rich and polluting nations to the poorest and most vulnerable countries, as well as emission reductions and new net zero targets.

Many developing countries are keen to reduce their own emissions, although they are only responsible for a tiny part of the burning of fossil fuels for global warming that has historically made the developed world rich but created the climate crisis to which the world is facing today.

However, they need funding to help them switch to renewables and adapt to the changes plaguing their populations.

The five points set out in the document are as follows:

  • Reduce emissions: Despite recent progress, all of the climate policies in place around the world will not keep global warming within the limits agreed by governments in Paris. An acceleration of net zero goals is urgently needed, led by those with the greatest responsibility and capacity.
  • Finance: The promises made by developed countries in Copenhagen in 2009 and again in the Paris Agreement are unequivocal and must be kept. At least $ 100 billion a year has been pledged by 2020 with increased annual sums from 2025. However, this target has been missed and needs to be urgently corrected if developed countries can trust the countries most. rich at COP26 to stick to what they negotiate.
  • Adaptation: With increasing climate impacts, a specific target of at least 50% of climate finance must be committed to help the most vulnerable adapt, with regular reviews.
  • Loss and damage: The consequences of the historic failure of developed countries to adequately reduce their emissions are already causing permanent loss and damage to the most vulnerable. Responsibilities must be recognized and promised actions must be delivered
  • Implementation: After several blocking summits, governments must by COP26 finalize measures on transparency, carbon trading and set a common 5-year timetable for the implementation of the new national plans (CDN).

With the June G7 summit failing to make concrete progress on climate finance or even agree on a timetable for phasing out coal, there is still a lot of work to be done before the start of COP26 in November. .

The need for much greater progress has only been highlighted by the extreme weather conditions which continue to cause death and destruction around the world.

Without this 5-point plan, developing country leaders warn that the outcome of the Glasgow summit will be worthless and end in failure. The plan was developed and endorsed by heads of government representing countries and UN negotiating blocs that represent more than half of the world’s nations.

HE William S. Ruto, Vice-President Kenya:

“Kenya’s farmers and herders continue to report increasing losses due to the adverse effects of global warming. The United Nations Climate Change Summit in Glasgow, COP26, is expected to protect the planet and its people from the ravages of climate change. The summit is expected to respond to the needs of the world’s vulnerable and poor people whose daily struggle is made so difficult by the worsening impacts of climate change. The Solidarity Package seeks to resolve these problems. ”

Prof Fekadu Beyene, Minister of the Environment, Forestry and Climate Change Commission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

“Failure to deliver on promises in these key areas of finance, adaptation and loss and damage is unacceptable. “What’s the point of agreeing on a new set of promises if we don’t keep them?” This document paves the way for a successful COP26 that responds to the urgency of the climate crisis and restores confidence to the negotiations. ”

Pearnel Charles Jr, Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change, Jamaica

“Jamaica, whose contribution to climate change is ridiculously insignificant, has already submitted a very ambitious NDC, which almost doubles its goal of clean and renewable energy. We do not expect any less effort from large emitters. There is no more time for lip service, it is time for action. Keeping 1.5 degrees alive and within reach is at stake. The survival of millions of people from the most vulnerable communities is in our hands. With political will, we can achieve both the ambition and the solidarity we need. Time is counted. let’s act.

Tanguy Gahouma-Bekale from Gabon, President of the African Group of Negotiators (AGN):

“This is the most important summit since the signing of the Paris Agreement. Not only because it marks the formal implementation of the Paris Agreement obligation, but also because it comes as countries recover from the Covid pandemic. It’s a rare chance to build back better and put the world on the path to a secure climate.

“Currently, developed countries are not doing their part and not keeping their promises regarding their obligations to finance the climate. Like any negotiation, you need to have faith that promises and commitments will be kept. In 2009 and 2015, they pledged to provide climate finance by 2020. Yet that remains to be achieved and we do not have a clear plan to make it happen. ”

Sonam P Wangdi from Bhutan, Chairman of the Group of Least Developed Countries at COP26:

“While Covid naturally makes headlines, climate change has worsened over the past year as emissions continue to rise and lives and livelihoods on the frontlines suffer.

“We vulnerable countries are not asking for much. Just that the richer countries, which caused this problem, take their responsibilities by reducing their emissions and keeping their promise to help those whose emissions have harmed. The world is realizing the reality of climate change and we need to see nations react to show that they are acting on it. ”

“COP26 must be a summit where we see actions and not words. We have enough plans: what we need is for the big economies to start delivering on their promises. Our economies are suffering in the face of increasing climate impacts and budgetary constraints: either we are investing to get out of this mess, or we are facing a brutal decade of loss and damage.

HE Mahdi M. Gulaid, Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia:

“Climate change is the greatest threat to our survival. Highly vulnerable countries like Somalia are already suffering disproportionately from the impacts of climate change. COP 26 must be a key delivery moment and there can no longer be any excuses for broken promises, especially climate finance. This document sets out the key priorities which are indicators of success in Glasgow, an opportunity to ensure solidarity, equity and prosperity for all.

Diego Pacheco, Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC for Bolivia:

“This five-point plan is the basis of a roadmap for a successful COP26 summit, which is compliant and should be complemented by” the call for urgent and fair action to stop climate collapse and restore balance with Mother Earth “proposed by the Bolivian government to the UNFCCC. This is what climate action looks like. For decades, rich countries have argued that they recognize the manifest injustice of the climate crisis and will act to address it. But so far they have failed.This document in conjunction with the Bolivian appeal is the test to see if they are serious.

Climate Vulnerable Forum Ambassador of Parliaments, Former Senator and currently Vice President of the Philippines, Loren Legarda:

“This report reflects the demands that vulnerable countries have long awaited. The emergency situation in which we find ourselves requires bold action, real leadership, which this report shows with great clarity. Don’t just read it, take action, echo calls and be heard.

“In the climate crisis, to win slowly is to lose, to stand still is to retreat. I urge all parliaments to heed the five point plan in this report. Act together on mitigation, adaptation, financing, loss and damage and means of implementation. Failure is unacceptable.

“Vulnerable countries are not just asking for solidarity. We hope to achieve prosperity despite the climate crisis. This report shows how we can do more than just survive. It offers ways to prosper, if we put climate justice at the center of our agenda. ”

Ambassador Diann Black-Layne, Ambassador for Climate Change, Antigua and Barbuda, Chair of AOSIS on Climate Change:

“We need developed countries to meet the commitment of $ 100 billion per year, 50% of which is for adaptation. The funds mobilized must reach the most vulnerable countries and communities. Each of the 28 AOSIS accredited entities with the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund has had fewer than two projects approved and many have had none. ”

“AOSIS expects tangible action and progress. Small islands unfairly bear the higher per capita costs of climate inaction from major global emitters.

Issa Musa Nyashilu, Manager, Climate Change and NDC, Tanzania:

“For many people around the world, including in Tanzania, the climate is already having an impact on people’s lives. That is why we need to focus more on helping affected communities to adapt to these impacts. At the same time, if the poorest countries are to be expected to overtake fossil fuels, we need help in the form of renewable energy technologies and capacity building to help us keep our emissions low and allow us to implement our national climate plans under the Paris Agreement. ”

Ambassador Seyni Nafo, spokesperson for the Group of African Nations at COP26:

“All we African countries do is ask the richest nations to keep their promises. The promises made by developed countries in Copenhagen in 2009 and again in the Paris Agreement are unequivocal and must be kept. Funding for adaptation, at the same level as for mitigation, is what is needed to enable our climate-vulnerable countries to adapt to inevitable climate impacts.

Notes to Editors

COP26’s five-point plan for solidarity, equity and prosperity is the result of more than a year of collaboration and a series of workshops between government officials, think tanks and advocacy groups. research in southern countries. The main partners include Power Shift Africa, ACT2025 Consortium and the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities.

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