Did Meghan Markle break the royal protocol when she hugged Beyoncé at the premiere of "Lion King"?


It was the hug seen 'around the world. In the London premiere of The Lion Kingthe duchess met the queen – or queen of Beyhive, anyway. And the fans were absolutely delighted to see how wonderful Meghan Markle and Beyoncé were in discussing during the event.

Only one question: when the two women leaning
for this epic hug
Was it a break in the royal protocol?

Beyonce and Meghan Markle
Beyonce and Meghan Markle | Pool Niklas Halle'n-WPA / Getty Images

There were rules about touching royals

Meeting a member of the royal family is not exactly the same
meet American politicians or other personalities. A firm handshake is not necessarily
your best bet – in fact, label
experts advise
against touching members of the royal family at all, especially
during the first interaction.

Kate Williams, British historian
explained the concept in an interview with BBC. "From the medieval period,
the monarchs were divinely appointed to rule by God, so that they were somewhat regarded as
gods, so they asked to be treated as gods, "she said.

Times have changed and nobody
think more like that but the rules
old days
still apply to a certain extent. On the official of the monarchy
page, a code of behavior indicates that anyone meeting the queen should "observe
traditional forms, "meaning a reverence would be appropriate.

Beyoncé is not the first to leave
the hug

It should be noted that Meghan Markle is much more advanced than Queen Elizabeth. No one is supposed to bow before her, even if she should grant her respect for her title.

Even the queen has been seen kissing some people, although it still causes a bit of agitation when that happens. Michelle Obama was criticized for kissing the queen when they saw each other again in 2009 (it was not the first time Queen Elizabeth broke protocol with Mrs. Obama, either). LeBron James also caught the heat for putting his arm around Kate Middleton in 2014.

The rules concerning contact with the royal family have eased over the years

First of the lion king
The first Lion King | Niklas Halle'n / AFP / Getty Images

After the incident with Michelle Obama, a spokesman for Buckingham Palace said there was no formal rule prohibiting touching members of the royal family. Queen Elizabeth seemed to accept Michelle Obama's hug, just as Meghan Markle seemed happy to kiss Beyoncé. There is no reason to believe that the interaction was a mistake on both sides.

This statement, combined with the rank of Meghan Markle in the royal family, proves that their meeting at The Lion King the first was completely in the guidelines.

Meghan Markle was not supposed to take pictures with Beyoncé

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

The most important protocol during the event was the pictures themselves. E! The Royal News commentator, Justin Sylvester, explained that being seen with Beyoncé on the red carpet was just problematic. "If she takes a photo with Beyoncé, everyone will say," She's so in Hollywood, it's not what the Royals are doing, "he said.

Meghan Markle had to deal with violent reactions because of her violation of royal traditions and her refusal to move beyond her pre-royal life. Walking on the red carpet at a movie premiere? This only fuels the fire of criticism, proving that the Duchess of Susbad can not let go of her past.

Still, the hug was sweet. Obviously, Meghan Markle does not care what everyone thinks about it.

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