DietDemand explains why the treatment of metabolic syndrome is essential to the success of weight loss


New York, NY, April 5, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – The fashionable medium diet is a temporary weight loss strategy that results in weight loss in water. Usually, a fad diet should only last 1 to 3 weeks because the diet (eg, fruit juice diets, for example) is unsustainable and can not be followed in the long term. Generating a quick weight loss of 5 to 10 pounds can be exciting, but it does not even last long. This is especially true once the normal eating habits of the person have resumed. DietDemand, a specialist in fast weight loss and long-term results, wants to emphasize the importance of a functioning metabolism, as it is essential for burning fat regularly and maintaining weight over time. A healthy metabolic function breaks down and effectively treats the body's energy stores, including body fat. Dr. Tom Burns, Medical Director of DietDemand, says, "If a person has a slow metabolism because of their lifestyle and diet, they will have a much harder time losing weight and may even progressively gain in spite of efforts to do the opposite. "Whether someone is overweight or obese, it is highly likely that he is suffering from a metabolic syndrome that is rarely diagnosed." In the end, this can have unfortunate consequences on the body's health, such as diabetes, heart disease, fatigue, loss of energy, inflammation, and so on.

The recovery of a super metabolism is done with an optimal diet and a routine of exercises. But for some, there are unique challenges and not all cases can be solved by general methods that do not target specific health problems. DietDemand, the country's leading weight loss program, examines the underlying causes of slow metabolism, such as thyroid problems, liver dysfunction, chronic dehydration, high levels of inflammation, and more. Once these issues are resolved through diet and powerful prescription options, clients are much more likely to lose weight quickly without losing weight.

It's time to solve your weight problems for good! New DietDemand patients can call or visit easily and effortlessly https: to complete a first comprehensive and simple health questionnaire, as well as to schedule an immediate personal consultation at no cost. DietDemand's doctors have all received specialized training in nutrition science and rapid weight loss. DietDemand examines the medical history of each patient to create a personalized diet, designed for rapid weight loss, or taking care of persistent problems that slow or stop weight loss. Nutritionists work personally with each patient and use their own algorithm to develop meal and snack plans that are compatible with age, bad, activity level, dietary preferences, nutritional requirements and conditions. each patient. They combine these state-of-the-art diets with pure diet and prescription products that help their patients resist the temptation to eat sweet snacks, eliminate fatigue and reduce their appetite. More than 97% of DietDemand patients report incredible weight loss results, the majority of them losing 20 pounds or more a month.

At DietDemand, all patients have unlimited access to the best brains in the industry. Their staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches are available six days a week to answer questions, make suggestions, respond to concerns and provide professional help and advice. For this reason, more and more people are turning to DietDemand for their weight management needs. Diets are adapted to the needs of those of any age, bad, shape or size and to those who have a hard time losing the last 10 to 20 pounds to those who have to lose 100 pounds or more. Call today to request a private online consultation, confidential and free of charge.

About the company:

DietDemand is the country's leader in the field of weight loss in the medical field. It offers a full range of prescription drugs, a doctor, a nurse and nutritional support. For over a decade, DietDemand has developed a sophisticated, physician-designed weight loss program that addresses the individual's specific health needs to promote fast, safe, and long-term weight loss.

Contact details of DietDemand:

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