DietDemand's safer alternative to weight loss surgery offers similar results


Greenwood, MS, March 26, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Weight loss surgery has become a life-changing and, in many cases, life-saving option for many people. Constant weight gain may be due to various factors, ranging from lifestyle to conditions such as metabolic syndrome and stress, but weight loss surgery may seem like a simple solution to the long-term problem. However, it often takes several years to become obese or obese, and for those with weight problems, bariatric surgery may not be the miracle cure, it seems. Dr. Tom Burns from DietDemand explains why this seemingly quick solution does not quite solve the weight problems. "Most people qualified for weight loss surgery have gained weight because of stress-based eating habits or emotions that have never been controlled. It is more a problem of brain chemistry than of hunger. This desire to overeat can be a constant source of frustration, which is why nearly 200,000 Americans choose to undergo the process each year despite potential health risks and complications.

The immediate results of weight loss surgery can provide the necessary relief for certain chronic diseases, pain, reduced mobility and lack of circulation that can occur in case of obesity. Yet, up to 15% of patients regain their weight in two years and gain in five years. According to Dr. Burns, "It's because the underlying emotional causes of weight loss have never been addressed. From time to time, a doctor may recommend some weight loss before the operation, but these efforts do not last long enough to result in a complete change in lifestyle. "

The DietDemand Weight Loss Medical Center offers a safer, doctor-supervised approach, which delivers fast results similar to those expected of a bariatric surgery. By using a complete and personalized diet plan that speeds up fat loss, their patients are seeing rapid changes in the short term and healthier changes over the long term. In addition, DietDemand patients have access to a doctor from home through a telemedicine-based service. No embarrbading weighing, extended waiting time or displacement required.

If you are looking for a safer and more sustainable alternative to weight loss surgery, DietDemand patients can easily and effortlessly call or visit the https site: to complete a questionnaire and schedule comprehensive, comprehensive and simple health an immediate personal consultation at no cost. DietDemand's doctors have all received specialized training in nutrition science and rapid weight loss. DietDemand examines the medical history of each patient to create a personalized diet, designed for rapid weight loss, or taking care of persistent problems that slow or stop weight loss. Nutritionists work personally with each patient and use their own algorithm to develop meal and snack plans that are compatible with age, bad, activity level, dietary preferences, nutritional requirements and conditions. each patient. They combine these state-of-the-art diets with pure, prescription diet products that enable their patients to resist the temptation to get sweet snacks, eliminate fatigue and reduce their appetite. More than 97% of DietDemand patients report incredible weight loss results, the majority of them losing 20 pounds or more a month.

At DietDemand, all patients have unlimited access to the best brains in the industry. Their staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches are available six days a week to answer questions, make suggestions, respond to concerns and provide professional help and advice. For this reason, more and more people are turning to DietDemand for their weight management needs. Diets are tailored to the needs of all ages, genders, shapes and sizes, and those who have a hard time losing the last 10 to 20 pounds for those who need to lose 100 or more. Call today to request a private online consultation, confidential and free of charge.

About the company:

DietDemand is the country's leader in the field of weight loss in the medical field. It offers a full range of prescription drugs, a doctor, a nurse and nutritional support. For over a decade, DietDemand has developed a sophisticated, physician-designed weight loss program that addresses the individual's specific health needs to promote fast, safe, and long-term weight loss.

DietDemand provides care in the United States


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