Disability community disappointed with Akufo-Addo over ‘symbolic’ appointment


The disability community in Ghana, led by the Ghana Federation of Disabled People’s Organizations (GFD), is disappointed with President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for what they call a symbolic approach to disability issues.

The federation is disappointed that only one disabled person has been included in the 260 metropolitan, municipal and district directors general (MMDCE), recently appointed by the president, despite the candidacy of many disabled people for these positions.

In a press release issued by the federation, it is said: “We wish to express our greatest disappointment at the apparent disinterest of the current government for the meaningful participation of people with disabilities in the general governance of this country. ”

The group added that the government believes that appointing one of their own as Minister of Oti Reginal is enough for people with disabilities, ignoring all calls to give more opportunities to people with disabilities in the governance of the country.

The organization adds that since a disabled person was appointed minister of the Oti region earlier this year, the government appears to have taken a hostile decision that disabled people do not deserve more opportunities.

“Any suggestion made to the presidency by organizations of people with disabilities regarding increasing the number of people with disabilities in governance in the country met with the unpleasant response that“ one of you has been appointed regional minister ”; suggest that they should be satisfied with it, ”the statement added.

The statement asserts that the GFD and other organizations of people with disabilities have dynamic and capable members within the New Patriotic Party.

They stressed that from the moment of the appointment of ministers, they proposed the appointment of a disabled woman as deputy minister of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection.

According to them, they also proposed the appointment of a disabled person to the State Council, the appointment of disabled people to the boards of various state institutions and the appointment of disabled people as MMDCE.

The federation says “it is very disappointing that the government headed by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Ghana Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo – Addo has chosen the path of tokenism with regard to the participation of people with disabilities in the governance process. ”

He continues: “Considering the fact that a major principle of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that our president co-chairs is ‘leave no one behind’, we are of the opinion that our president is in no way meaningful. , demonstrating any intention to seriously improve the participation of marginalized groups in the governance process of his second term. ”

The development of people with disabilities in Ghana is truly catastrophic, largely because they are not at the decision-making table when development is being discussed or executed. It is only when a country makes deliberate efforts to improve its participation at the decision-making table that serious improvements begin to appear.

This is evident from what countries like South Africa, Uganda, Senegal, Namibia, Kenya, but to name a few, have done to give meaningful expression to development and human rights. the voice of people with disabilities on the continent.

According to the GFD, until Ghana, as a country making this bold move to involve more people with disabilities in decision-making, the country is unlikely to see a noticeable improvement in the livelihoods of this country. marginalized group. She therefore hopes that the President will endeavor to begin to express in a more meaningful way, his confidence in the ability of people with disabilities to deliver and contribute effectively to the overall development of the country.

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