Discover the famous aquarium toilets of Japan


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If you love exotic fish and do not fear hundreds of them while you answer the call of nature, you will surely love using this unique aquarium toilet in Akashi, Japan.

The Hipopo Papa Cafe (formerly Mumin Papa) was known as one of the most popular meeting places on the Hayashizaki Matsue Coast. That's still the case, but since the owner decided to do something special with the women's restroom, he became known primarily for being the only coffee in Japan – and probably the world – to offer aquarium toilets . It is technically surrounded on three sides by a giant aquarium filled with hundreds of exotic fish and a male turtle, which, since it is a women's toilet, is a bit strange.

The toilets at the Hipopo Papa Aquarium have been in existence for more than 12 years, but it is still one of the most popular tourist attractions in the Akashi region.

The owner would have spent $ 270,000 to create this wonder, by trial and error, in an attempt to recreate the pleasant sensation of relieving himself while swimming in the ocean.

Although women can not use the toilets of the aquarium, the Hipopo Papa staff will be happy to show them also to male guests, if the coffee is not too crowded.

Having an aquarium toilet is a great way to attract customers, but this has its drawbacks.

According to Setouchi Finder, some customers end up spending much more time than they have to go inside the toilet to admire the landscape, while others hesitate to use it because they have the idea of ​​leaving as much marine creatures watch them while they relieve themselves uncomfortably.

One thing is sure, though; If you find yourself one day in Akashi, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, Hipopo Papa Cafe is one of the few places that deserves to be visited only in the bathroom.

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