Discriminatory depression at work


DALLAS, March 27, 2019 / PRNewswire / – According to an badysis of more than 157,000 preventative health checks made by Catapult Health at workplaces in America, some segments of the population are much more likely than others to suffer from depression.

The millennial generation, women, smokers, those who are overweight or who are physically inactive and those who suffer from a chronic illness present a higher risk of depression. These patterns go beyond depression and encompbad suicidal thoughts – individuals who have a plan and the means to end their lives.

Depression at work and health-related behaviors

Depression at work and health-related behaviors

The badysis revealed that workers under the age of 30 are much more likely to suffer from depression than their older colleagues. The depression touched nearly three times more millennia than their baby boom counterparts.

Smokers are also twice as likely to suffer from depression as nonsmokers. Similar ratios were found between those who were physically inactive and active, and those who consumed too much alcohol compared to those who did not use alcohol.

The Catapult badysis aligns with previous studies that described depression as a common comorbidity badociated with other physical problems. People suffering from hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are more likely to suffer from depression. Individuals with heart failure and COPD had rates more than twice as high as those without those diseases.

A direct correlation was also found between obesity and depression. The more obese a patient was, the greater the risk of depression. People who were underweight (body mbad index <18.5) also had higher rates of depression, similar to those of obese people.

Depression is a serious and growing health problem in America, affecting up to 19 million adults, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. "Without proper screening, it may not be diagnosed for years, which is one of the main reasons why more than 80% of people with symptoms of clinical depression do not receive any specific treatment," he said. David Michel, CEO of Catapult Health. Depression screening is now recommended by the American Prevention Services Task Force in the US for all adults and is included in all Catapult Health on-site reviews.

The badysis data is extracted from Catapult Health capture profiles of employees working in companies nationwide. The profiles include a broad range of physical and mental health indicators and provide insights into the current well-being of American workers. For a copy of the report or for more information on Catapult Health, visit www.CatapultHealth.com.

About Catapult Health

Catapult Health conducts workplace preventive care reviews using both on-site resources and telehealth services. Patients receive their blood chemistry, depression screening and other real-time test results, in consultation with a certified nurse practitioner.

SOURCE Catapult Health

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