Disney-based visual effects giant kicks off Star Wars post-production in new Australian studio


SYDNEY, July 15 (Xinhua) – One of the world's most respected visual effects companies will soon begin work on the latest Star Wars movie in Australia.

Launching a new state-of-the-art studio in Sydney on Monday, Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), a Disney giant, said the port city was an ideal venue for the Hollywood studio's fifth studio.

"Artistic and technical talents abound in the region, two key elements of the ILM's innovation culture," said Rob Bredow, head of ILM.

"It's particularly exciting that the first movie to which our new studio will contribute is Star Wars: The Skywalker Rush," added Bredow.

Decided to immediately begin the recruitment process, the company was seduced by the recent decision of the NSW government to offer a 10% tax incentive to post-digital, visual and video companies.

In addition, the New South Wales Government has pledged more than A $ 6 million (US $ 4.2 million) to help set up a series of on-site training programs to develop expertise in postal, digital and visual effects for local workers.

"ILM is responsible for the visual effects of over 350 feature films including Star Wars, Aladdin, Pirates of the Caribbean and The Avengers," said NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian.

"Having the world's leading visual effects company, agreeing to permanently settle here and pledging to teach invaluable skills to hundreds of people in NSW is a big blow to our state. This is only the third studio opened by ILM outside of North America. "

"The digital skills taught by the world's best will also benefit many other NSW industries, including software development, robotics, engineering and defense."

Although the NSW government's investment may seem steep, it is predicted that the implementation of the ILM solution in Sydney will generate about 333 million Australian dollars (US $ 234 million) in post-production activities in the United States. during the first five years.

ILM is planning more than 500 job openings for the start of work on the new Star Wars feature. Enditem

<! – enpproperty 749933882019-07-15 11: 50: 41: 596Disney-based visual effects giant kicks off Star Wars post-production in new Australian studioAustralia-Star Wars10077156714OtherOtherhttp://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2019-07/15/content_74993388.htmnoXinhuaDisney-based visual effects giant kicks off Star Wars post-production in new Australian studio1/ enpproperty ->

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