"Divorce hurts me, but I'm not broke"


I Ask Alex how she has managed in recent months. "Good food, good friends – my circle is made up of my school friends, my mother, my son's school, the villagers and my family, and my great friend Honor [Marks]who runs the Maison De La Roche in Languedoc. I made the instinctive decision not to fall apart but to take care of myself so I could take care of my son [who’s now studying for his A levels]. I made sure to eat a good meal every day. Even if I ate alone. I'm not talking about comfort food or overeating, I'm talking about darling food like a tartiflette or a nice fresh salad. The better you eat, the better you feel.

For a woman obsessed with food, she looks very neat. "Because I eat like a French girl," she says. "I do not eat. I eat at a table. I do not refuse anything but I stop when I'm full. It's an hour of basic cardio and exercise every day in a local clbad and has a haunting look without Botox (she swears by the non-surgical facelift of CACI). "I am very proud to be a woman in her 50s," she says. "I'm not trying to pretend to be younger than myself, because I have ambaded wisdom, experience, good memories and friends of my life."

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