Do all royal rumors silence the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been married for less than a year. But since they tied the knot, the tabloids have had a busy day with various rumors coming from the Kensington Palace. Although most of these rumors are probably not true, they probably cause some frustration among members of the royal family. Do they put pressure on the marriage of Meghan and Harry?

Meghan Markle Prince Harry
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been married for less than a year. | Chris Jackson / AFP / Getty Images

Harry and Meghan got married in May 2018

Things with Harry and Meghan were very fast. The couple met for the first time in 2016 and they only went out together for about a year and a half before Harry's proposal. After being betrothed in November 2017, the two women planned a wedding in six months and got married in May 2018. They had talked about wanting to start a family shortly after their marriage, but no one else. could have predicted that Meghan would become pregnant in just two months. . In October 2018, they announced that Meghan would have a baby this spring. But with so much to do for both, there has also been a ton of royal rumors going sideways.

Since the wedding, Meghan has been at the center of royal feuds, staffing problems and the tension in the royal family – according to claims

Since Meghan and Harry got married, Meghan has been at the center of some big royal issues. First, there were rumors that Meghan and Kate were in bad terms; Someone has disclosed that Meghan would have made Kate cry during a dress code for Princess Charlotte. Then people noticed that Meghan and Harry's staff were resigning at a higher rate than usual, which caused rumors that Meghan was not treating them well. And supposedly, members of the royal family were increasingly frustrated by the behavior of Meghan and Kate, as well as by the rumors themselves, which meant that almost everyone was exhausted.

Although all the rumors are probably not true, it was probably frustrating for Meghan and Harry to take care of

It is quite possible that many rumors from "sources" close to the family are totally false. However, even if all goes well in the family, the lies about the Duchess of Susbad always arouse constant frustration. And there is no doubt that this has been a topic of conversation for Meghan and Harry. Although both seem very in love, we can not handle so much criticism before it starts to be a problem. It's possible to believe that the constant criticisms of Meghan have created tensions in their own way, even if that does not mean that Meghan and Harry are collapsing because of that.

Harry and Meghan are focusing on their baby right now, which hopefully will bring some relief from the stress

Although the rumors are difficult to manage, Meghan
and Harry has something amazing to hope for: a new baby. the
couple will
welcome their first child
in just a few weeks, and this is definitely going
give them a distraction from all these rumors. People may be worried about
Meghan because she is new to the family, but over time she will grow up.
the public and the people will respect it as they respect Duchess Kate.

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