Do not change your Twitter birthday in 2007


Stop Twitter

Nowadays, a lot of things become viral online: funny videos about cats, memes, stupid "challenges", and all sorts of useful tips and tricks. Something that is going around right now is encouraging Twitter users to change their birthday date in 2007.

It may sound like a strange thing to do, but there is the promise that new secret color schemes or rainbow mode will be unlocked to attract others. There are also claims that changing your birthday will have your account verified and will bring you a prestigious tick. Of course, this is not true, but it does not prevent Twitter users from trying it … and regretting it.

See also:

Anyone with a minimum of common sense will immediately understand that there is simply no reason for Twitter to link color schemes – and certainly no verification – to a particular year of birth, but people come back back despite everything. The problem is, if you do the math, if you were born in 2007, you would be under 13 and therefore too young to use Twitter. Thus, anyone who changes his date of birth in 2007 or before realizes that his account is blocked.

That is the magnitude of the craze that Twitter has warned about this:

We noticed a joke trying to get people to change their Twitter birthday in their profile for 2007 to unlock new colors. Please do not do this. You will be locked out because you are under 13 years old.

– Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) March 26, 2019

In short, it's a joke. You can debate the question of whether it's fun or not, but if you've been foolish enough to crack for scam, do like Twitter says – follow the instructions that appear in the email that you have received after changing your date of birth and you can then get back together. access your account.

Image credit: asiandelight / Shutterstock

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