Do not shipwreck your life; The truth about irregular migration


Do not shipwreck your life; The truth about irregular migration

Life is full of experiences and sometimes events in our environment provide us with an excellent opportunity to explore.

Other times, it can also act of threats, but in all these cases, we must take the appropriate measures and take the measures that are imposed.

It is common for most Ghanaian and African youth to flee their homeland in case of threats.

For them, it seemed extremely difficult to manage and turn threats into opportunities.

In times of difficulty and when things are not going well in their lives, young people plan to travel and find all possible and possible ways to go abroad to look for greener pastures.

It is either traveling through the desert in Libya or on the high seas in Morocco to reach Europe.

Traveling abroad in general is not a bad idea, as it goes back to the ancient period of Abraham, when God, in his wisdom, commended Abraham as a hero of the faith of live in his native country.

However, the big question that potential migrants should consider or ask for should be how to move along appropriate or approved routes.

Whatever the situation in which a person is, it has an end, but this provision determines the final result.

Many promising African young men and women are victims of slavery, suffering and shame, while many others have been sinking through irregular migration.

Irregular migration

There is no clear or universally accepted definition of irregular migration. From the point of view of the countries of destination, it is the entry, the stay or the work in a country without the authorization or the documents required by the regulation in the matter of immigration.

From the point of view of the sending country, the irregularity is found, for example, in cases where a person crosses an international border without a valid pbadport or travel document or does not fulfill the administrative requirements to leave the country. .

Instead of leaving the country by the appropriate routes, migrants risked their lives across the Sahara Desert to Libya and crossed the Mediterranean to Europe.

The causes

The main cause of irregular migration is less the failure of migrants to comply with regulations than the persistence of inequalities within and between countries, and the inability of states to create adequate migration regimes to meet the demand. economic.

Inadequacy between entry rules and the demand for labor, bureaucratic complexity and delays contrast sharply with rapid transport and communication technologies that facilitate cross-border workflows and workflows. take little account of the changing social dynamics of migration.

But in Ghana and other African countries, poverty, social and political instability and the limited availability of legal migration routes are pushing people into criminal networks to facilitate their unauthorized entry into Europe. transit or their stay.


Irregular migration poses many problems for countries of origin, transit and destination, as well as for the migrants themselves.

Migrants in an irregular situation are particularly vulnerable to discrimination, exploitation and abuse.

These migrants may also be exploited by criminal organizations involved in trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants, which constitute a serious violation of the human rights of victims.

Refugees and asylum seekers, despite the protection afforded by international law, also face many difficulties in their migration process, especially as obtaining refugee status is difficult. has become more and more complicated and it is increasingly difficult to find countries willing to host refugees.

Irregular migration has negative effects on food, housing, services, hygiene, drainage, law and the order of the country.

The information provided by the European Commission on migration and home affairs shows that the flow of irregular migrants entering the European Union (EU) reached unprecedented levels in 2015 and remained high in 2016.

In 2016, the Member States reported the arrival of newcomers from Africa, the Middle East and Asia, many of whom resorted to criminal networks of smugglers to gain access to the country. ;help.

The trip to the European Union (EU) can be extremely dangerous and smugglers frequently expose migrants to the risk of death and violence.


The UN refugee agency recently released the 2018 count for migrant trips across the Mediterranean. According to the release, 2,262 people died or disappeared last year while attempting the crossing, a decrease of 28% from 2017.

The number of migrants who make the trip is much smaller, which explains the decline: about 115 000 migrants arrived in Europe last year, against 172 000 the previous year.

The central Mediterranean route became the most popular port of entry into the sea, and migrants, largely from sub-Saharan Africa, used war-torn Libya to reach Italy.

According to the Agency, the total number of deaths has decreased in 2018 because, in addition to fewer migrant trips, the number of people taking the more dangerous path of the central Mediterranean has dropped.

Most migrants arrived last year via the western Mediterranean, with some 64,000 people landed in Spain. In comparison, Italy received 23,000 people, five times less than the 119,000 in 2017 and more than 1,300 people died last year on the road to the center of the Mediterranean.

Figures from the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) show that about 4,092 Ghanaian migrants have returned from Libya in 2017 and that most of the returnees are mostly from the Bono, Bono East and Ahafo.

Way forward

The uncontrolled loss of life in the Mediterranean Sea demonstrates the need for a strong and urgent response from the EU and African governments.

According to Chief Superintendent James Hayford Boadi, Regional Head of the GIS Immigration Information Center at Bono, Bono East and Ahafo, irregular migration was becoming a national challenge that needed concerted efforts.

Most often, Ghanaians who have returned voluntarily to their country arrived without much awareness of the country's changing dynamics after years and sometimes decades of absence.

Research has shown that alienation in the country has a direct effect on the ease of reintegration.

Currently, about 800,000 Ghanaians live and work outside their home country.

Chief Superintendent Boadi noted that, as migrants entered Europe in an irregular manner, most of them had the opportunity to apply for asylum with little chance of success. while others lived in precarious conditions.

However, Kwasi Awuah Ababio, director of diaspora affairs in the president's office, said many economic opportunities were available in the country and urged young people to stay at home and take advantage of this opportunity to build their homes. to come up.

He urged young people who were determined to travel abroad to choose regular labor migration routes in order not to get lost.

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