Do something about "crazy" road accidents, do not just talk – Otabil to "leadership"


General News of Monday, March 25, 2019



Mensa Otabil thinking Pastor Mensa Otabil

Pastor Mensa Otabil, founder of the International Church of the Gospel (ICGC), urged "our leaders" to act decisively to stop the carnage on the roads of Ghana and not talk about it.

In a sermon held on Sunday, March 24, 2019, the motivational speaker asked why so many people had to die on the roads of a "small" country like Ghana.

The comments of the chief pastor of the ICGC come two days after two separate road accidents – one in the Bono East region and the other in the Central region – cost the nearly 70 people, 35 of whom were burned.

"What is sad is that lives have been lost – people – parents, children are dead and people have lost their loved ones in a totally nonsense way."

"It's not necessary for anyone to die on the road, Ghana is a very small country, why travel would be dangerous, it's not good and we should not allow that to happen" said Pastor Otabil.

"Our leadership," he said, "should take note of it and not talk about it, but do something and intervene."

In his opinion, death should occur in unavoidable circumstances.

"When we hear that people have died, it should be inevitable, that nothing can be done, and not when someone travels innocently on a trip," he said.

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