Do you need a bone density test?


Tribune News Service Washington, DC

Dear Mayo Clinic, I have never had a bone fracture or bone health problem. Should I still have a bone density test?
A: It depends. A bone density test uses a low dose of X-rays in a fast, non-invasive way to measure the amount of calcium and other minerals in a bone segment, usually the hips and spine. By identifying decreases in bone mineral density, your health care provider can determine your risk of fractures, as well as diagnose and monitor the progression of osteoporosis.
Most young and healthy people do not need a bone density test. But, as you get older, your risk of osteoporosis increases because bone density tends to decrease with age. This is especially true in women. If you are a woman 65 years of age or older, a bone density test is recommended. Even though the tests reveal that the health of your bones is good, this test can be a basic measure for future tests.
For men without fractures, the answer is not so clear. The US Preventive Services Task Force does not recommend routine testing of bone density in men. As men have more bone mbad and lose their bones more slowly than women, they are at a lower risk of fracture. There is no conclusive evidence that osteoporosis medications can prevent fractures in men. However, up to 1 in 4 men over 50 will fracture a bone due to osteoporosis. Groups like the National Osteoporosis Foundation still recommend screening for men 70 years and older.
Men aged 50 to 69 and women younger than 65 may also wish to have a bone density test if they have risk factors for osteoporosis, including a family history of the disease or condition. history of fractures. Taking certain types of medications that may interfere with the body's bone-building process is another risk factor. Examples of such drugs include steroid-based drugs, such as prednisone, and immunosuppressive drugs, such as those taken after an organ transplant or bone marrow transplant.
People over 50 who have fractured a bone and those who have lost 1.5 inches tall or more may also need a bone density test to screen for osteoporosis.
The results of the bone density test are reported in a measure called "T-score". A T score of minus 1 or more is normal. A score of minus 2.5 or less is osteoporosis. The range between normal and normal osteoporosis is considered to be osteopenia, a condition characterized by lower bone density than normal and a person at higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Osteopenia also increases the risk of fracture.
There are things you can do to keep your bones healthy with age:
l Exercise is important. Make sure to include a combination of weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, running or climbing stairs.
l Have a healthy diet by taking the right amounts of calcium and vitamin D.
l If you smoke, stop. Research suggests that smoking helps weaken bones.
Talk to your health care provider about taking a bone density test and discuss your bone health concerns with them. Taking action now can help ensure bone health in the future. – Mayo Clinic News Network

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