Documenting Political and Economic Change in Ethiopia | New


Brazilian photographer Felipe Fittipaldi travels to Ethiopia to unveil one of Africa's most outstanding emerging economies and examine all the varied consequences of the unprecedented transformation of the country.

Ethiopia is now enjoying the fastest economic growth in Africa. A country that had experienced severe famine crises in the 1980s and 1990s as a result of drought and war, witnessed the greatest transformation in recent history, with economic growth of about 10 percent one of the highest rates of urbanization in the world. Ethiopia has also sought peace with its longtime adversary, Eritrea; released prisoners; open access to websites and TV channels blocked for political reasons; and invited banned political organizations and their leaders to return from exile.

This rapid and unprecedented change is part of a context of more disconcerting turmoil, weighing heavily on established political, economic and social systems. Despite the impressive growth and modernization, Ethiopia is still one of the poorest countries in the world and full of social contrasts. Nomadic shepherds and their Kalashnikov rifles live only a few kilometers from the modern districts of the capital, Addis Ababa.

As a multiethnic giant with about 100 million people belonging to more than 80 ethnic groups and subject to a dubious democratic system, the country is at a crucial time when society will have to face complex problems such as l? mbadive rural exodus, political freedom and ethnic tensions. This essay seeks to portray the many faces of Ethiopia in its rapid and disorderly social and cultural transformation. Apparently, in a short time, Ethiopia will not be like before.

Lyrics and images of Felipe Fittipaldi.


Felipe Fittipaldi is a Brazilian photographer based in Rio de Janeiro. He collaborates with numerous international newspapers and magazines such as New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, El País and Vice, among others. In 2018, he was selected by the World Press Photo Foundation for the second edition of the 6×6 Global Talent program. Find it on PHmuseum and Instagram.


This feature is part of Story of the week, a selection of relevant projects from our community handpicked by the curators of PHmuseum.

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