
Hope for iOS4 iPhone users: after weeks of suffering under the radar, the Wall Street Journal's blog numbers reports today that Apple is aware of the performance issues of 3G users running the latest update:
Apple is investigating information that the latest iPhone operating system would cause problems to iPhone 3G users, following a series of complaints on Apple's tech forums and tech forums. Apple is aware of the information and is studying the issue, a spokeswoman told Digits.
IOS4 performance on an iPhone 3G can be a painful experience: poor performance, low battery life, extra reboots, and dramatically increased levels of anxiety from users. We have Previously, as well as many other websites, this issue has already been addressed. Apple's own support forums are buzzing on the subject.
Things are already bad enough to justify the inevitable parody of YouTube (which is not too far away):
I hang out with my iPhone 3G and my iOS4 for a few weeks now. The dual hard reset has made things usable – albeit far from optimal – and I'm very happy to have application folders and a unified inbox in Mail. But please, let this news be true!
My iPhone is my desk in my pocket: email, calendar, maps, phone, solitaire, everything is planned. Even if my 3G is not at the cutting edge of technology, it's worth keeping it. I really want it to work.
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