Does the African continent have a future despite its rich resources?


Africa is the richest continent in the world, helping and shaping the economies of foreign countries for decades, but the continent itself is not growing.

With such deposits of a large amount of resources, Africa should not have been in this miserable state.

We cannot blame the colonial masters all the time because after independence swept the continent they lost Africa but they did not take our gold and diamond fields.

The majority of Africans are suffering and millions of children are at risk of malnutrition and hunger.

Neither international humanitarian aid nor available natural resources saved Africa from its troubles as chronic corruption affected all infrastructure.

According to the United Nations, out of 49 poorest countries, 33 are African countries and foreign direct investments in African economies represent only 3% of the world total, and they go mainly to the most developed North African region or to the countries of the continent, rich in oil and gas.

Meanwhile, sub-Saharan Africa continues to live in poverty. Its GDP per capita in 2004 was still lower than the same figure in 1975, although there are also many valuable natural resources.

Based on the United Nations Human Development Index, the list of the most backward countries in 2009 was 24 states and twenty-two are from sub-Saharan Africa.

Why is Africa unable to face poverty? More and more experts associate the answer to this question with security concerns, emphasizing a direct relationship between the country’s security level and its development prospects.

For example, military conflicts destroy the economy, normal conditions for social development and forced mass migration.

Since 2000, no less than 40 peacekeeping operations have been carried out in 14 African countries. Over the past decade, half of African states have been involved in military conflicts and in 2009, 73% of UN peacekeeping forces were deployed on the dark continent.

It is estimated that since 1990, due to wars, Africa has lost $ 150 billion, and half of all military casualties during this period are Africans.

Conflicts in Africa have generated hunger, disease, crime, etc. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo alone, war has claimed more than 5 million lives.

If African leaders fully understand the crisis and the possible problems ahead, the need to be efficient in using our resources is necessary for everyone and the next generation.

Africa has what it takes to develop the continent, create jobs, build good schools and create international markets, provide good drinking water, good roads and hospitals.

The continent is now saying, “I have provided you with everything you need to make life easier for the common African. So I will watch you closely and see what you can do if you think you deserve to be an African leader.”

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