Does the palace fear that Prince William and Kate Middleton will be relegated to the background?


For many years, Prince William and Kate Middleton have been very interested. When Wills was in college and met the beautiful, commoner, Kate, the world was intrigued by their relationship. The cameras followed each movement of the couple, and it only intensified after the announcement of their engagement.

Suddenly, Kate and William found themselves at the center of attention, with millions of people listening to their sumptuous wedding in 2011. Everyone was interested in what the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were preparing, and when they announced the upcoming arrival of their first child, the fans were more focused than ever. Since then, William and Kate have been constantly in the limelight.

Now that Harry and Meghan are suddenly in the center of attention, we must ask ourselves if the palace is afraid that Prince William and Kate Middleton will be relegated to the background. Let's see.

The world was obsessed with William and Kate

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge | Paul Ellis – Pool WPA / Getty Images

Since William and Kate had their engagement interview, it seems like the whole world has focused on everything they do. Within hours, the jewelers were overwhelmed by the demand to create sapphire engagement rings, and everything Kate wore was suddenly worn out in minutes.

On their wedding day, people around the world listened to see the beautiful bride get out of her chauffeur-driven car in an iconic long-sleeved dress that set a precedent for brides around the world. Before we know it, the "Kate effect" was in full force.

The obsession continues

It was not long before the palace confirmed the wonderful news that William and Kate were expecting their first child. Fans lined the streets to see a newborn Prince George debut on the steps of the Lindo wing, and they did the same thing when Princess Charlotte arrived and finally Prince Louis .

The fans were not only obsessed with the family of William and Kate, but they were interested in everything the couple was doing. When the Duke and Duchess made appearances, the crowd was unleashed and it seemed that no one could get tired of the future king and queen.

Meghan and Harry storm the world

For years, Prince Harry was our favorite single and also the rebel of the royal family. He was often seen outside, enjoying his time with close friends, and over the years he had more than one serious girlfriend. As we all know, in 2016, Harry was seen spending time with American actress Meghan Markle, and things seemed to really warm up.

The photographers began to follow each movement of the couple, which allowed Harry to fear for Meghan's safety. A few months later, it was obvious that Harry had found his ideal partner and a royal engagement was announced to the delight of all.

Harry and Meghan are the main goal

Even before Meghan and Harry were engaged, the fans just could not get enough of the couple. Everyone wanted to know every detail of their relationship and it seemed that everything they had done made us fall in love with them a little more. The tables are suddenly returned, the insiders have the impression that the palace fears that Kate and William are found in the back.

Suddenly, sources have the impression that Kate and William were "eclipsed", an insider claiming that "the Duke and Duchess of Susbad undermine the popularity of Kate and William. Everything has become a little out of control. "

Is the palace worried about William and Kate?

The palace may be a little afraid that Will and Kate are not getting enough attention. A royal insider says, "The Duke and Duchess of Susbad have become a global phenomenon. It is feared that they have eclipsed the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and are detrimental to their popularity. Everything has become a little out of control. "

Although it seems that they have nothing to worry about. Meghan and Harry step back from the royal spotlight to focus on the Archie baby, giving William and Kate more opportunities to attract attention.

We must also take into account that William and Kate are the future king and queen, which means that they must scrupulously respect the rules. Harry and Meghan's life may seem slightly more interesting.

Whatever the case may be, we must say that we love both couples equally and that we are interested in everything that they do.

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