DOH and the FDA again warn the public of the harmful effects of e-cigarettes


The Ministry of Health and the Food and Drug Administration warned the public on Monday about the adverse health and safety effects of using nicotine and non-nicotine electronic delivery systems or Electronic cigarettes.

"The department, along with the Food and Drug Administration, argues that a series of long-term, peer-reviewed epidemiological studies are needed to conclude that e-cigarettes are less harmful than traditional smoking," he said. said Secretary of Health Francisco Duque III. declaration.

Duque added that factual research is barely enough to prove the effectiveness of the electronic cigarette as a smoking cessation aid.

"Although there is a lack of conclusive data regarding the long-term effects of the use of electronic cigarettes, its health risks can not be ignored. The precautionary principle recommends that, until conclusive data on their safety are established, the regulatory measures aim to reduce exposures to these products, "he said.

According to the DOH, the number of local consumers of electronic cigarettes will increase as the global market for these devices expands.

Electronic cigarettes or vapes are combinations of electronic liquids or refills that do not contain tobacco and an electronic device for administration. They produce aerosols, mists or vapors that users inhale by imitating the act of smoking.

"In 2015, the Global Adult Tobacco Survey recorded an overall prevalence of 2.8% and 0.8%, respectively, of long-term users and current users of electronic cigarettes. "said the DOH.

The Department of Health pointed out that the composite content and emissions of these devices are not totally harmless because they use chemicals such as nicotine, ultrafine particles, carcinogens, heavy metals and volatile organic compounds.

"Five American medical societies (American College of Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Physicians, American College of Physicians, American College of Surgeons) unanimously said that these devices pose health risks. . The Philippine Pediatric Society has also expressed its highly addictive and potentially carcinogenic effects, "said the DOH.

Because these products have unique appeal to young people, because of the prevalence of flavored variants and their unique construction, the DOH and the FDA urge parents, teachers and health workers to educate children and adolescents. teens on the health risks of electronic cigarettes. .

"Results from peer-reviewed studies show that e-cig juices contain high levels of addictive nicotine, which can result in acute or even fatal poisoning by ingestion or by dizziness." other means. In addition to nicotine addiction, cases of nicotine toxicity in children in epidemic proportions have been documented in other countries where the prevalence of e-cigarette use is increasing, said the DOH, adding that bystanders could also breathe harmful harmful aerosols from electronic cigarettes. (By Ma. Teresa Montemayor)