Doha Bank Receives 'Best Trade Finance Bank in Qatar 2019' Award in London


Doha Bank recently received the "Best Trade Finance Bank in Qatar 2019" award at the Global Finance Awards in London.
Richard Whiting, chief representative of the Doha Bank representative office in London, received the award on behalf of the Doha Bank from Joseph Giarraputo, president and publisher of Global Finance magazine.
Seetharaman, CEO of the Doha Bank, said: "According to Greenwich Associates, in trade finance: a greedy market of disruptions, in its October 2017 report on trade finance of large companies in the world, the Main factor of change in trade finance is currently the change of strategy part of the world's largest banks.
"The collective market share of the largest banks has declined over the last six years, from aggressive market share strategies to a narrower focus on" specific customers, products and geographic regions with the greatest potential for profit. According to the report. . This has opened opportunities for other suppliers, including smaller and regional banks, as well as new non-bank entrants. "
"This year's ratings were based on the performance achieved between the fourth quarter of 2016 and the third quarter of 2017. Global Finance uses a proprietary algorithm with criteria such as knowledge of local conditions and customer needs, financial strength and security, strategic relationships and governance, competitive pricing, capital investment and innovation in products and services, weighted according to their relative importance.
"The winners are the banks and suppliers that best meet the specific needs of companies in their cross-border trade," said Doha Bank.

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