Dominion University College wins chapter of TESCON Nuclear Power Plant


Dominion University College based in Accra now has a branch of the Tertiary Education Student Confederacy (TESCON) of the ruling party, the new Patriotic Party (NPP).

The inauguration ceremony took place last Friday with a flourish in the conference room of the University.

Sparkling activities include interactions with political figures, jama performances, inspirational lecture quotes, drinks and badorted pies, and many more.

Daniel Puplampu, General Secretary of TESCON, acted as Acting Master of Ceremony until the guest took the podium place. At that time, other leaders had taken their place and those who were not leaders of their respective groups had also gathered. They all waited impatiently for the program to begin.

The president of Knustford TESCON took the lead of the various political badociations who took the floor. He has formed a choral group. The president sang the most melodious song ever heard.

It was however obvious that when the group of "jama" announced his arrival with drum sounds, it was obvious that he had stolen the series. The very nature of Jama music, which easily adapts to various forms, allows the audience to freely join the dance.

The way in which the choir slowed down or increased its tempo in response to the leader's call was of particular interest. After the performance, the Jama group was applauded and joined the audience.

Shortly thereafter, the new executive officers had to line up in front of the general public to take an oath.

However, John K Gajanbu, Chair of CIC TESCON, who also served as CBC President for CIC, delivered his final keynote address on behalf of its members.

He took the opportunity to encourage his fellow leaders and all members to rally behind President Akufo-Addo and project his government.

He also advised them to take their studies seriously and to respect the rules and regulations of the school.

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