Donald Trump falls for Nancy Pelosi's trap


It is not often that Trump, the man who dismembered the most talented primary field of Republicans in 2016, seems to be struggling to gain ground in a face-to-face political fight.

But Pelosi turns Trump's own arsenal against him, using the politics of mockery and provocation to leave him for once, unbalanced and forced to meet a more agile rival.

And Trump's increasingly livid reactions help Pelosi get out of a delicate political moment.

This week began with Beltway's story that she was under increasing pressure from a Democratic caucus anxious not to want to open a dismissal investigation against Trump.

Trump denies the tantrum in an angry public episode

Now, his attacks and several useful judicial victories as Democrats look for Trump's financial statements unite his coalition and even validate his warning. Trump wants the impeachment to qualify his party extreme and excessive.

The president justified her more and more personal shots against the speaker and her mental acuity on Friday before going on a state visit to Japan.

"When you talk about a personal attack, did you hear what she said well before I pursue it? Did you hear it? She made some horrific statements. She knows that they are not true She said terrible things, so I just answered in kind, "Trump told reporters at the White House.

"Listen, do you think Nancy is like her?" "She's not, maybe we can all say that, but … I only speak for myself."

The Trump versus Pelosi show is transformed into an intriguing daily political game. But the consequences are not insignificant: after the 2020 elections, it is likely that only one of the rivals will remain standing.

In her second eruption against Pelosi in as many days on Thursday, Trump showed how much she was under the skin.

He described the most senior woman in the history of American politics as "bungling" and "crazy". In another delusional speech, he wondered if she was smart enough to read a bill, even though the speaker turned out to be a compelling and enthusiastic legislator.

"I've been looking at it for a long time – it's not the same person – it's lost," Trump told reporters, during an off-script report of a protest at the White House to highlight new measures to help American farmers suffering from its trade war with China.

Also on Thursday, a manipulated video of Pelosi was shared on social media to spread a false claim that she was expressing her words after a meeting with Trump. Later in the evening, a Fox Business Network show featured another clip from Pelosi and panelists then speculated on his health. Trump then tweeted the segment of the show.

Pelosi operates a game book specifically designed for Trump as she hits him where it hurts most, targeting his ego, his courage, his manhood and his sensitivity to his fortune.

She wondered if her refusal of an infrastructure contract could be attributed to "a lack of trust on her part".

Pelosi went to pick up Trump's badbad image, speculating that his obsession with an extremely long border wall was "like a manly thing for him, as if manhood could ever be badociated with him". And she mocked Trump's inherited wealth: federal employees can not "ask their father for more money," she said at the government's closure earlier this year .

The walkout

Trump walkout marks point of no return
The president's counter-attack comes one day after he left a meeting with Pelosi and other congressional Democrats, after she accused him or orchestrated a "cover-up".

Trump has now suspended all cooperation with House Democrats until they complete their multiple inquiries into his campaign, his presidency and his financial affairs.

Aides told CNN that Trump was particularly angry at his interlocutor's comment that he had "a temper tantrum" and at the media who felt his mood was out of control at their Wednesday meeting.

His anger drove him to mount a deeply bizarre and impresidential show in the Roosevelt Hall of the White House, demanding the testimony of his own badistants.

"You were very calm," said Kellyanne Conway, Trump's senior advisor.

The President, seeming again irritated at not being understood, claimed that he had been consistent on many political issues throughout his life: "I am an extremely stable genius."

It did not take long for Pelosi to go back.

"When the" extremely stable genius "begins to play more of the role of president, I will be happy to work with him on infrastructure, trade and other issues," wrote Pelosi on Twitter.

This war of insults between a speaker and a president is hardly worthy. It is possible that voters who are already disgusted with Washington are only more disappointed.

Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana pleaded Thursday for the two sides to argue instead of behaving like "8-year-olds in a minivan fight".

Trump supporters, who adopt his unorthodox, frank and combative style, will not be confused by his antics. And the confrontations in the Beltway are often marked differently outside of DC. Trump also has the habit of confusing the wisdom of political experts.

Can there be a winner?

Trump in defense now that the Democrats win the victory

A source told CNN's Gloria Borger Thursday that the president was pleased with the way the latest political skirmishes were taking place, saying he had "the Democrats in a box". Trump thinks that the Democratic and swollen presidential field and the public's weariness in the investigation of Russia help him – even though he is frustrated by the Democratic investigations on his family's finances.

"His state of mind is daring and he thinks he will be off guard," the source said.

But Trump could be more risky than Pelosi. All Americans do not want to see their president rant behind a podium. And – as much as the GOP seeks to make her the face of the Democratic Party – Pelosi will not be on the list of presidential candidates.

Trump has already secured the second best place in a showdown with Pelosi – when the government closed at the end of the year – which showed how presidents are most exposed in such situations and risk often to take more.

Extended cooling between the White House and the House could be bad news for both parties. Each party wants infrastructure measures, prescription drug prices and other priorities.

But Pelosi has pbaded more than 250 bills since January, including major bills, many of which are blocked in the GOP Senate. Action on climate change, health care, gun reform and ethics is not a bad thing for Liberal voters.

Trump, meanwhile, is eager to see his replacement for the trade agreement between NAFTA and Mexico and ratified Canada in order to bolster his own president's thesis. But he needs Pelosi's help.

And history suggests that any major economic crisis triggered by the failure of budget negotiations and rising debt ceiling would be more dangerous for the president than for Democrats.

"Reckless Gangster"

GOP casts a dismissal shield around Trump

The events of the past two days have allowed Pelosi to take off and force Trump into a more difficult position.

Democrats in the House were exasperated by their government's policy of widespread non-cooperation with their monitoring efforts, and a growing minority of lawmakers called for removal.

"The fact is, when you have a constitution and you have a rule of law, and you carelessly destroy it, you have to act," Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, representative, told Poppy Harlow on Thursday. CNN.

The White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, is focused on this feeling Thursday.

"Nancy Pelosi's problem is that she totally lost control of her party," Sanders told New Day.

"The far left is telling her what to do, maybe some of the moderates who really want to do something and have lost control, and at some point she has to decide what direction to take."

Sanders' efforts were quickly compromised by the president's fireworks. His attitude has allowed Pelosi to ease the pressure – claiming that despite untreatable offenses, Democrats should not play in the hands of the president.

"There is no doubt that the White House is just calling for an indictment, which is why it rocked yesterday … … you all have a story that is not real.I mean, you want to believe that there is all this discomfort in our caucus "This is just not the truth," Pelosi said Thursday.

Trump was then directly asked if he wanted to be dismissed.

"I do not think anyone wants to be removed," he said, but then quoted polls – which Pelosi can also read – showing that the majority of Americans oppose such a decision.

"I do not think the Americans will accept it," said Trump, citing the larger case that he would present to the public if House Democrats opened an impeachment investigation.

The fight between Pelosi and Trump remains fluid. There is no guarantee that she will maintain her current advantage. And one thing is certain, Trump will never back down.

But it is clear that the White House needs a more effective strategy to deal with a speaker who has already exploited her power to make the White House to Democrats once before in 2008.

Gloria Borger and Dana Bash from CNN contributed to this report.

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