Donald Trump opposes "biggest hoax" at first rally since Mueller report | American News


Donald Trump continued his badault on the media and the Democrats on Thursday night, mistakenly claiming "total exoneration, full justification" at his first rally since Robert Mueller's report.

Trump devoted about half of his speech of about 90 minutes to a tumultuous audience in Grand Rapids, calling the charges and the investigation "ridiculous bullshit". The president rebounded between theories about the reasons for the special advocate's investigation and the attacks on his opponents.

"All Democrats, politicians, the media too – nasty people," Trump told the crowd at Michigan's Van Andel Arena. "Dishonest journalists, totally dishonest TV experts" have helped perpetuate "the biggest hoax in the history of politics."

He went on to say that the investigation was really an effort "to reverse the results of the 2016 elections."

"It was nothing more than a grim effort to undermine our historic election and to sabotage the will of the American people," Trump said.

He repeatedly called for "accountability", pulling songs to "lock them up". At other times, the President has mocked his Democrat opponents, including "small pencil pbades" [US representative] Adam Schiff "and his fellow lawmaker Jerry Nadler, whom Trump said to have" beaten again ".

Although Trump repeatedly told the crowd that Mueller had found "no collusion or obstruction," the summary of Attorney General William Barr's report on Mueller's four-page report indicated only that he had found no proof of his connivance with Russia. Barr's summary indicates that Mueller failed to reach a conclusion as to whether Trump prevented justice, but Barr wrote that he had decided that there was insufficient evidence to engage prosecution for obstruction against Trump.

Democrats and Republicans call Barr to publish the full report, which he has refused so far, raising suspicion of its content among Democrats.

Barr told Jerrold Nadler, Democratic Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, that he had no intention of immediately handing over the confidential report to Congress, since Barr is writing the testimony of the grand jury and the jury. 39, other elements.

The Democrats say they can summon the report if it has not been released by the Tuesday deadline, which Barr says will not be respected.

During the day on Thursday, morale mounted on Capitol Hill. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, said Barr's summary was "condescending" and "arrogant".

"Mr. Attorney General, show us the report and we'll come to our own conclusions." She asked what scared Trump and the Republicans were laughing at and ridiculed by calling them "disgusting cats".

Thursday night, under applause, Trump said that Grand Rapids was the last stop of his 2016 campaign. Despite his enthusiasm, Trump could be struggling to win the state because the latest polls show that a strong Majority of Michigan voters, including independents, do not plan to vote for Trump in 2020. In addition, Democrats swept the three state-wide offices in 2018. By healthy margins, and Democratic candidates received more collective votes in the state legislature.

Trump praised his work on the economy, seeming to rely on a new car factory proposed by Fiat Chrysler in Detroit. Although General Motors recently announced the removal of 18,000 jobs and the closure of two factories in and around Detroit, Trump badured the crowd that he was pressuring the company to maintain its operations. factories and restore jobs. He also promised to provide $ 300 million to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, although his latest budget proposal included $ 270 million in cuts to the environmental program.

Trump's more bizarre claims came against the Progressive Green New Deal, a proposal to fight climate change and reform the economy, falsely claiming that Trump had called for the elimination of airplanes and cows . Trump also claimed that Democrats were pushing for a law that would allow the execution of newborns in Virginia. He was referring to the comments of Ralph Northam, who does not propose such a law.

Trump went back to the Wall of Borders and Immigration several times throughout the speech by telling the audience, "By the way, we are building this wall." Later in the speech, he announced that he would go to a secret location several weeks later to reveal "vast sections of brand new wall", drawing familiar slogans from "Building the Wall".

The Associated Press contributed to this report

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