Doom Eternal: Not a classic multiplayer; Raytracing on RTX graphics cards; Video showcase in high quality


DOOM Eternal will not include a clbadic multiplayer mode such as Deathmatch, but will only provide multiplayer battle mode, said Marty Stratton at IGN (game director, executive producer). Stratton believes that this mode is more related to the single player experience than to "Doom Slayer" and that it would be "cool". They also learned from the multiplayer mode of DOOM (2016) and would now offer a closer experience of the game Doom. In addition, the combat mode is developed internally by id Software.

Battle mode requires three players per game. One player badumes the role of Doom Slayer, while the other two face each other as demons. The Slayer has an arsenal of weapons in charge of properly feeding the two underworld. In five rounds, he tackles everything from the Revenant with the Jetpack to the heavy Mancubus. Each demon clbad has its own movement and ability to challenge the Slayer. Both players may also request AI-controlled amplification to overwhelm or limit the Slayer. However, this also gives the Slayer additional opportunities to kill her glory to complete her health.

In one Videocast at Giant Bomb has just agreed with Marty Stratton that Doom Eternal and the engine (id Tech 7) will support ray tracing – and that will look impressive on the RTX series (nVidia) graphics cards. He went on to say that the ray tracing presented great benefits, but did not necessarily increase the reach or the audience of the game, as Stadia would have done for Google. But there will surely be players eager to benefit from the DOOM Eternal and id Tech 7 tracing support, Stratton said. Already at Wolfenstein: Youngblood uses raytracing and adaptive shading.

In addition, id Software and Bethesda have meanwhile provided a high quality record of EOM's E3 showcase concept. You can watch the presentation of about 15 minutes with the hllic game scenes and the fame exploits of the campaign in the following video.

DOOM Eternal will be released on November 22, 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4, Switch and Xbox One. In the shooting game, there is literally a hell on Earth, as demonic hordes have invaded the blue planet, but heaven and hell will also be able to visit the countryside.

Last video update: multiplayer E3 2019 – Battlemode

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