Doom remained relevant to his producer because of his eternal message


  • Doom is part of the iconic series of the gaming industry since 1993
  • In 2016, he has a new strength and this year the following of Doom Eternal arrives
  • According to the producer of the video game, the series has not been comfortable with the eternal theme
  • After all, the battle between good and evil is still in the news

It would be a shame to deny that Doom is one of the most iconic in the video game industry. The series began its conquest in 1993 with the first part and came back in 2016, showing how to create a clbadic and old fashioned FPS according to the requirements of the modern age. All this seems to be further reinforced by the coming of Doom Eternal this year, which seems to be a highly anticipated title.

But what do you need to keep a relevant series for more than a quarter of a century? The answer to this question is now the producer of Doom Eternal, Marty Stratton, who thinks that the key is the eternal theme of Doom, because the fight for good and evil never loses its relevance. According to him, Doom Slayer symbolizes the good, the hard and undeniable superhero, who, without question, opposes the horde of demons and victories, and this theme arouses the imagination of many players.

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