Dr. Pimple Popper Steatocystoma Pops "Ribbon" In Instagram Video


  • Dr. Pimple Popper (Sandra Lee, MD) has just shared a new video on her Instagram account.
  • In the video, Dr. Pimple Popper pulls a sebum tape, a yellow-yellow oily substance, coming from a steatocystoma located on her patient's chest.
  • Steatocystomas are benign cysts that usually appear in groups that are part of a larger condition called steatocystoma multiplex.

      No later than yesterday, Dr. Pimple Popper told fans (obviously via a photo of a huge black dot) that she was traveling for work. But do not worry, the doctor is always on Instagram.

      In her last position, dermatologist Sandra Lee, MD, delivers the goods-alias. a super satisfactory compression of something called "steatocystoma". Umm, new guy on the alert block!

      Unfortunately, Dr. Pimple Popper does not provide a lot of dice, so here's the case: Steatocystomas are benign cysts that often develop in "multiples" to form a skin condition called "steatocystoma multiplex," according to the National Library of Medicine of the United States.. They are usually filled with an oily substance called sebum, which is really the star of this Instagram video.

      Dr. Pimple Popper begins by gently opening a small bump (compared to her other whistles) on her patient's chest. When she finishes the incision, the doctor gently presses on the skin of her patient and immediately pulls out a little pus. But it is only the beginning.

      "Do you want to see it? Have you ever seen any of these effects being heard before?" Dr. Pimple Popper asks his patient, who responds frankly, "Plenty".

      Oh, okay, I see your daughter – and Dr. P: "Oh, you did it – you just made them yourself? Giiiiiirl." (Obviously, Dr. Pimple Popper does not believe you should do this kind of thing at home.)

      Meanwhile, the dermis puts his gloved fingers to work to squeeze the small opening and instantly (!!) the yellowish sebum pours out.

      The oily substance leaves the small incision at the speed of light and folds back on itself to create a ribbon of sebum. It's the most beautiful yuk ribbon you've ever seen! In fact, Dr. P. captions the post: "Here is a ribbon of sun for your Friday!".

      After a first delicious performance, the steatocystoma continues to shine during the second act when the dermis returns for a new compression. This time, he spurts into a tube-shaped formation and shocks the audience (hint: panting). From there, Dr. Pimple Popper brings out the imposing firearms: tweezers to remove the remaining bag.

      "And people think why your tweezers are not [working]? Because it's a slippery man! No tweezers can pull that well, "jokes the derm as she tries several times to finally extract all the bad boys.

      Man, it was stimulating.

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