Dr. Shaoqing Lai announces the latest research on gastric cancer


The biomedical model is instrumental in determining the causes of infectious diseases, but it is difficult to address multiple causes as well as mental and physical illnesses. The biomedical model believes that the pathological process is that nosogenesis damages the organs, tissues, cells and molecules of the body, and that changes in this structure result in functional changes that present clinical symptoms. The development of the lesion determines the process of the disease. The medical model has been replaced from biomedical model by a biomedical psychosocial model, because the biomedical model can not fully understand the laws of life and pathological processes. According to the psychosocial biomedical model, nosogenesis includes physical, chemical and biological factors directly affecting the body, as well as stressors disturbing homeostasis. The state of homeostasis determines the process and the end of the disease. Lesion is the process of dynamic change in injury and repair. The key to treatment is to restore the balance of homeostasis.

The biomedical model ignores several important phenomena of cancer and can not comprehend cancer diseases in a complete and objective way. Scientists are obsessed with the biomedical model and believe that cancer cells are the real killer of cancer disease. Killing cancer cells is the best way to treat a cancerous disease. As a result, cancer patients suffer too much misery. Cancer patients are in the dark era of the history of medicine. Hopefully Lai's work will be helpful in exploring a new way to beat cancer.

Lai's findings have shown that all manifestations of gastric cancer are closely related to damage to parietal cells. Gastric cancer is a malignant tumor derived from the epithelium of the gastric mucosa. Morbidity and mortality from gastric cancer was found to be the second most common malignant tumor China. In addition, the badociation of gastric cancer was related to diet, depression and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) et al. Lai's research shows that an H. pylori infection could reduce acid reflux, but that H. pylori was not a probiotic. He observed that H. pylori damaged parietal cells directly and indirectly, resulting in an increased risk of gastric cancer. In addition to the above, Lai concluded that the carcinogenesis of gastric heart and distal gastric cancers was the same. His research also showed that coarse food could easily damage the lining. According to him, the damage could serve as a promoter of the tumor to promote the growth of the tumor. Lai noticed that northwestern people China were used to eating pasta baked, and people from the east China favorite corn in the oven. Lai has highlighted dietary habits in his work because, according to him, the dietary habit could be one of the causes of the different localization of gastric cancer in the inhabitants of different areas.

press contact

Amy R Fife
[email protected]

SOURCE Dr. Shaoqing Lai

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